Mother, Baby & Kids

3 Surprising Benefits of being Older Parents


credit: Time

We often hear this almost everyday, people around you talk about why you have to get married at an early age, right? Even the doctors say if you are to get married at an early age, you will avoid any “high- risk” pregnancy and even your kids will be healthy, since you are still healthy.

It does remain true that women entering motherhood at 35 years of age and older are at an increased chance of health risks for themselves, and their babies too. Doctors will warn of the statistically heightened incidences of miscarriage, cesarean section, premature birth, and chromosomal irregularities that “advanced maternal age” can bring.



But, hey, news flash! Kids are expensive.

I bet everybody knows that. What if we told you that having kids later can also give you benefits? We all have goals in life and I believe that some of us already planned to have kids at an older age because we want to be ready for that new life. It is all up to their choice and who are we to condemn them, right?

credit: YouTube

For those who already have babies at a young age, step aside please. This article is merely for those who wants to plan for their family and they basically just want to wait first before having little bundle of joys in their life.

3 surprising benefits of being older parents

1) Financially Stable

credit: The Balance

This is a very common reason to look up to when people ask you why you want to have babies late and, it is true. Some people that I have met in my life always said this kind of stuff. They are not ready because they are not financially stable. You know what? You are right. Kids are so expensive. From the day they are born until today, we have to feed them, buy compulsory things for them and even buy things that are even not necessary, like toys.

So when you are having a baby later, you can sort this stuff out and your kids will have a comfortable life. I want that too.

2) You are less likely to lose it.


Yes, it is all about patience. Being parents at later age will prepare you with abundance of patience and the percentage of you to lose control when your kids are making trouble is low. This is because you are matured enough and kind of have mastered parenting. You are also well prepared for this because you have planned this all.

We always read in news that some young moms are more likely to lose control and somehow perform child abuse to their babies because they can’t control their temper, but not all young parents are like that. So this is a sturdy reason why being parents at later age will give you benefits.

3) You get to be young again!

credit: NBC news

WHY? Being a mom means you get to do a lot of fun things with your kids that other adults don’t have the pleasure of doing. For example: kid movies, amusement parks, video games, petting zoos, etc. It’s probably been a while since you’ve tried any of these fun activities but now that you’re a parent, you get to live it up…ALL OVER AGAIN! Sounds fun right? Yup, I bet so.

credit: GioStar

All in all, according to a study from UK, children with older mothers experience lesser unintentional injuries and socio-emotional problems. The study showed that “women with more life experiences are able to draw upon a wider range of support that can help to reduce some of the stress of parenting.” This same goes to a study from Danish. A professor who conducted the study stated that people become more mentally flexible with age, are more tolerant of other people and thrive better emotionally themselves. Older mothers do not scold nor physically discipline their children as compared to younger mothers due to their psychological maturity and thereby contributing to a more positive psychological environment for their children.

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