Mother, Baby & Kids

Helicopter Parenting? 4 Things You Need To Know

helicopter parenting

Have you ever wondered whether your style of nurturing and protecting is similar to helicopter parenting? The term helicopter parenting comes from the notion where parents are like a helicopter that keep on hovering over their children.

Whether it is calling the school for their child’s poor grades or getting involved in children choice of friends managing their habits. Helicopter parenting continually shadows their child and direct their behaviour without giving them any room to breathe.

We all know some parents provide disproportionate assistance for homework and school projects. In fact, helicopter parenting is another form of emotional injury to a child. Why? The child never has a chance to be independent and conveys the message that their parents do not trust them.

So how will helicopter parenting go down in nurturing their children?


Low confidence and self-esteem

The thing on helicopter parenting is that it backfires. Parental over-involvement in children will cause kids to have lack of confidence in everything that they do. Children are not capable of taking on adult tasks in future, for instance dealing with applications and admissions officers. They will always have to remain dependent on their parents to sort out problems for them.

Low Coping Skills

When children are so used to their parents cleaning up their mess or preventing the problem in the first place, their child will never learn how to cope with loss or failure. And when the day comes, they are not able to cope with their emotions and feel less competent in dealing the stresses that are throwing at them.


When parents are too anxious about the future success of their child and clearing every path, including minor tasks, in fact, is not smoothing the way to achievement. It feeds the illusion that their parents will not age and it keeps them from carving their roles in future. When compared to other children, their levels of anxiety and depression is much higher.

Undeveloped life skills

Some parents who are always monitoring and interfere their children task, for example, clearing plates, packing lunches, laundering and monitoring their school progress. Even though they are mentally and physically capable of managing the task, helicopter parenting prevents their children from mastering these simple skill themselves.


Nevertheless, this parenting tactic not only compromises their child’s personal growth but also withdraw affection in them. Helicopter parenting has corrosive effects on attitude towards their parents and self-development. In a simpler term, helicopter parenting is toxic to their child’s development.

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