Mother, Baby & Kids

List of 402 Schools in Malaysia with Disciplinary and Drug Cases



Every school has its own set of disciplinary problems. The question is: how bad is it? Last year, the Malaysian Education Ministry identified 402 high schools nationwide with disciplinary and drug problems.

These schools are divided into two categories:

  • Category 1 with disciplinary problems
  • Category 3 with disciplinary and drug problems

The school that tops the list nationwide is Selangor, counting with a total of 76 schools. Out of all 76 schools, nine of them are identified in the third category, which is disciplinary and drug problems. Sabah, on the other hand, is not stated in the list, which is excellent news.

Johor is the second highest in the list mentioned with a total of 63 schools, and one of them is listed under category 3. Followed by Negeri Sembilan, with a total of 40 schools, five schools under the third category, Penang and Pahang with 37 schools respectively. Penang with nine and Pahang with seven schools under the third category.

Putrajaya and Labuan have the least schools mentioned. Putrajaya has two schools and Labuan has a total of three and they are all listed under the first category.

There are a total of 22 schools in Kuala Lumpur that are listed under category 3.

Of all of the 402 schools, 91 of them are listed under category 3, and that is really alarming!


Secretary general Harry Tan Huat Hock, the National Union of the Teaching Profession (NUTP) stated that the Education Ministry should look into this problem holistically and that teachers should receive better training so that they can handle the students and serious matters such as drugs abuse, bullying and also gangsterism.

He was shocked that some of the schools were noted to be outstanding schools with really high-quality staff and students. He added that some of the schools are also surrounded by good communities, and it was really shocking for him when the schools were mentioned in the list.

Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia, chairman Datin Noor Amizah Abdul Rahim also added that parents should not be alarmed if their child’s school is listed as one of the ‘hotspot’. They are listed so that police can monitor these schools and it is just to add as a precaution.

So, parents, is your kid’s school mentioned in the list?

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