Mother, Baby & Kids

5 Easy Ways to Teaching Poems for Kids

poems for kids

Image credit: Pexel

One of the joys of motherhood is reading poems for kids. The way they widen their eyes and coo along with the poems is absolutely heart-melting. Yes, teaching them to recite can seem like a daunting task to tackle, but imagine how adorable they will look when reciting the poems in their animated voices! Besides, there are plenty of reasons why you should teach your kids this literary form.

 For one, learning poems for kids is a beautiful way to develop a love for language and the written word. It also helps kids to build literacy and critical thinking skills. It helps them to analyse and interpret the meaning of poems. Additionally, poetry can be a great way to boost kids’ creativity and imagination.

According to Reader’s Digest, here are a few famous short poems for kids:

  • The Crocodile by Lewis Carroll
  • Baa, Baa, Black Sheep by Rudyard Kipling
  • I’m a Little Teapot by George Harold Sanders
  • How Not to Have to Dry the Dishes by Shel Silverstein
  • At The Zoo by William Makepeace Thackeray
  • There Was an Old Man with a Beard by Edward Lear

If you’re looking for ways to teach your kids poetry, here are five easy ideas to get you started:

Start with Short Easy Poems

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One of the best things about poetry is that it comes in all shapes and sizes. When teaching your kids poetry for the first time, it’s a good idea to begin with short, easy poems. This will help them better understand a poem’s structure and flow. Also, short poems are easier for kids to grasp and memorise. Thus, making it helpful when they’re just starting out.

Incorporate Movement

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Kids are often more engaged when they’re up and moving around. So, try mixing some movement into your lessons. For example, you could ask them to stand up and act out the poem as you’re reading it. You could also create a game where they have to hop on one foot or clap their hands whenever they hear a certain word.

Use Props and Puppets

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Props and puppets are always a hit with kids. If you want to use them, you could create a puppet show featuring different poems. Another way is using props to act out the poem as you’re reading it. For example, if you’re reading a poem about animals, you could use stuffed animals to act out the poem.

Encourage Kids to Write Poems

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One of the best ways to get kids interested in poetry is to encourage them to write their own poems. This can be a great way for them to express themselves and be creative. For starters, you could brainstorm together on topics to write about. For example, the poems for kids can be about their school, favourite food, and so on. Then, help them put their thoughts into poem form. 

Crafting poems for kids that rhyme is also an excellent idea. The kids can explore short funny words that rhyme to structure the poetry. This way, the little mischiefs can be their usual playful selves and explore their imagination through the poems. 

Read Poems for Kids Together

Image credit: Pexel

Finally, one of the simplest but most effective ways to teach your kids poetry is to just read poems together. This is a great way to bond with your kids. You could take turns reading poems aloud. 

Alternatively, you could read famous poems for kids and discuss them afterwards. Then, when you explain the meaning of those poetries, your kids can enact them in their minds. It will help them explore a world of imagination and creativity. 

Image credit: Freepik

 Poetry is a great way to foster an appreciation for language. In addition, instilling a love for poems for kids can work wonders for their personal developments. Hence, by using these five easy ideas, you can teach your kids poetry in a fun and engaging way. Good luck, mummies!

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