Mother, Baby & Kids

5 Tips For Diapering Your Baby

When it comes to diapering, every mother needs a tip or two on how to do it fast without any distractions. Especially if you have a baby and a toddler to manage, goodness, you will need two more pairs of hands to manage everything. Today, we will be sharing on some diapering tips that hopefully will come in handy for you!

1. Special Interactions


When diapering, have some special interactions with our baby. Whether it is singing songs or funny facial expressions, it will settle them down and create a special and intimate bonding time with your child.

2. Fun Attitude

Keep a fun and happy attitude when you help Baby to put on the diapers. Even if you are feeling frustrated over other matters, don’t show it during diapering time for Baby will automatically cry or move around making you even more frustrated. Smile and take this time to forget about your worries and have fun with your little one.

3. Make Diapering Comfortable

Apply baby skincare lotion to ensure that Baby has a comfortable diapering experience. You can also use baby wipes to clean Baby’s bottom before putting on the diaper. This will definitely make diaper-changing much more easier for you.

4. Safe Diapering

Make sure you always place Baby at a place with a wider area such as a bed or floor. Never ever do it on the table for Baby might roll over and fall off. Always make sure there are no dangerous objects around which Baby might hold on to when you are changing the diapers.

5. Manage Baby

If you want to distract your child from moving around, prepare a novelty toy that is only used during diapering time. Give it to your baby so he/she will be playing with it while you can easily finish diapering.

source: babycenter