Mother, Baby & Kids

5 Ways To Deal With Your Child’s Truancy


We all know the phrase, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.”

Kids just want to have fun while it’s frustrating for parents when you find out your child has been skipping school. Truancy obviously can lead to a whole array of behaviour problems in a child. It’s never a good reason for your child to miss out on their education.

So if your child is playing truant, they might be risking their own safety by being somewhere unsupervised, or even lead to greater trouble. And to deal with your child, it requires a lot of determination and patience.


Talk to your child

Don’t just assume, find out why. Most of us find that children who play truant are lazy, naughty and even uninterested in school. To you, it might seem like this, but not every child does so because of these reasons.

There are many possibilities such as your child is being bullied or because they are feeling too stressed from the homework in school. So have a talk with your child and tackle the issue on the head. Once you established why your child is playing truant, actions can be taken to help sort out the situation.

Get to know the school

Parents should get to know the teachers and administrators of their child’s school by offering some of their time and energy to tackle truancy issue. By getting to know the school, it means that parents should insist school keep track of their attendance.

Such unnecessary and unpleasant issues can be avoided if parents get to know their child and school as well so that they are able to keep up with their child’s progress in school.

Gives support and encouragement to your child

Parents play a vital role in their child’s education by giving them support and encouragement. The involvement of parents whether at home or school is extremely valuable. It maintains a regular contact with their child as well as taking an interest in what their child is learning.

Nevertheless, parents can attend school functions or meet their teachers whenever they can because it gives your child a sense of being supported by their parents.

Be a part of their daily routine

Parents should escort their child to school, whether by walking or driving. Through this, parents can shield their child from violence or even bullying as well as avoid truant peers. While you are in it, be a part of their life. Pay attention to small details of them or work with your child on subjects that they are struggling.

Ask them what are their thoughts on truancy! With that, you are able to listen to their inner thoughts and know what are they thinking. Thus, parents play a vital role in concerning their child’s routine as well as safety.

Explain the consequences of truancy

When all else fails, take some time and figure out a way to let your child know about the consequences of truancy. In the whilst of explaining, don’t overuse threats when dealing with your child. In fact, let them understand further absences will actually lead to drop-out completely.

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