Mother, Baby & Kids

6 Sacrifices to Make as a Family During Inflation


We all require the basic necessities for life: food, air and shelter. But as we grow as a society over the years, other things have also become more and more important: education, occupation, transportation and telecommunication. However, despite our growing love of modern comforts and luxuries, there are definitely things that we can forgo, especially if it means securing a better future for ourselves and our loved ones. If you’re thinking of cutting back on expenses, saving a little more for rainy days or just living a minimalistic life, here are 6 things you can live without as a family.

Satellite TV

Television used to be one of the main sources of entertainment back during our pre-Internet days. But many are now turning to online streaming services like Netflix to access movies and television shows. However, many Malaysian families may still subscribe to satellite television like Astro. While it’s definitely fun to have, it can put a strain on your finances, especially since the packages are quite expensive. And you have to add on extra fees for special channels. So, in the grand scheme of things, online streaming platforms definitely takes the cake. You get hundreds more options for less.


Expanding on the topic of satellite television, there are also a ton of other subscription-type contracts that you will accumulate throughout the years. With the exception of your phone line and Internet bills, which in this modern age, is quite the necessity for work and education, you may not need anything else. Whether it’s online subscriptions like YouTube Premium, Spotify, Apple Music, etc, or gym memberships and the like. However, this doesn’t mean you should unsubscribe from everything. Not if you can still somewhat afford a budget for entertainment or fitness. Simply choose the service that you use the most, or the ones that you enjoy using.

Movie Theatres

Going to the cinema is such an exciting time for kids. Chances are you may still remember your first time going to a movie theatre as a child and how enchanting it was. But as fun as it is, it’s definitely something that you don’t need to be doing frequently, not if you want to tighten your belt. So, it’s wise to forgo the cinema and just wait for the movie to eventually come onto your preferred streaming service.


Malaysian climate can make even staying indoors a nightmare. And unless your home isn’t properly ventilated to let hot air out and cool air in, you may face a few problems without the aid of air-conditioners. The downside? It can be costly. But there is a way to minimise (or rather, optimise) your use of the air-conditioner in order to save money without sacrificing your comfort. For example, turning it off a few hours before bedtime instead of leaving it on all night while you sleep will still keep your room cool without spiking your electric bill.

New Books

Trips to the bookstore are a staple outing for all families. You get to buy books for your kids and even catch up on your own reading. But investing in a library card is far cheaper and more worthwhile than buying tons of books that will only end up taking up space in your house. Books usually contribute to a lot of unnecessary clutter in the home. Especially if you buy them just to read them one time. Borrowing from the library also lets you decide if a book is good enough to actually buy. An alternative to libraries includes e-books or audiobooks.


Finally, on the list of things that you can definitely live without: supplements. There are dozens of different tablets and capsules filled with multivitamins and botanical blends that promise to address health conditions. We may often take them out of habit but they can often be quite costly and definitely not something you should sacrifice your monthly budget on. As long as you lead an active lifestyle and maintain a healthy diet, you don’t really need to eat any additional supplements.

Bare Necessities

There are dozens of other examples of non-essential expenses in your life that you don’t actually need to waste your money on. While they may be nice to have, they do add an unnecessary burden to your finances you could otherwise allocate for savings, or for other important future endeavours. Just like how we teach our kids the value of knowing the difference between needs and wants, so too must we do the same as adults. But that’s what’s so dangerous about being a grown-up, you have to hold yourself accountable for your own money. And that can oftentimes be tough without someone else reminding you not to unnecessarily splurge or overindulge. However, just because you may want to cut back on a lot of the extra expenses doesn’t mean you have to live the life of a monk. After all, what’s life without a little fun every now and again? Just remember to keep things in moderation.

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