Mother, Baby & Kids

AskMeDoctor! Season 7 Episode 1 | Juggling it All? How to Manage Mum Fatigue and Thrive


Motherhood is a physically demanding job; you don’t really have the luxury to kick back and relax. Especially not with a baby and possibly, a day job.

Stress turns to exhaustion. Exhaustion turns to burnout.

You’ve now likely become a victim of ‘Mum Fatigue’.

While proper self-care and rest are paramount, perhaps there is a way to ensure your energy levels are always optimal. And the key may just be nutrition.

We sat down with registered dietician, Sing Ning, to learn more about how mums can stave off ‘Mum Fatigue’ through the power of food.

Q1: Can you explain to us what is ‘Mum Fatigue’?

‘Mum fatigue’ is a deep seated exhaustion that is more than just being tired.

It involves emotional and mental fatigue, from managing motherhood, work and everything else.

It’s like carrying a load that never seems to lighten.

Q2: What might trigger this kind of fatigue among mums?

Well, it’s often due to, high expectations, a lack of support and insufficient rest.

So as we all know, mums are superheroes; but even superheroes need a break now and then.

Without proper breaks and self-care, mums can easily become overwhelmed.

And studies have shown that lack of sleep can significantly impact our mood and cognitive function.

Q3: How can mums recognise this fatigue and how do we know if it’s beyond normal tiredness?

Well, if you’re constantly exhausted, even with proper sleep, then it’s likely more than just tiredness.

So, it’s about tuning into those internal signals that tells you something isn’t right.

For example, physical and emotional exhaustion, feeling disconnected with your child or having self-doubt and feeling like a bad mum.

Recognising these signs can actually help address your fatigue before it escalates into a serious burnout.

And chronic fatigue can have long-term implications on our overall health, if it’s left unchecked.

Q4: How can busy mums like us find that balance and beat this kind of fatigue?

Well, self-care is key.

So, don’t feel guilty about taking breaks. And don’t be afraid to say ‘No’ sometimes.

Besides that, self-care extends to nutrition as well.

Q5: What nutritional tips can you offer for us mums to boost our energy and our focus?

While healthy eating might be challenging with a busy schedule, it’s crucial for your energy levels.

So, a balanced diet rich in protein, vitamins, and minerals is ideal.

And certain nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids have been linked to improved cognitive function and B vitamins have been linked to improve our energy levels.

Q6: How can busy mums integrate these changes into their daily routines without adding any extra stress?

Keep it simple.

So, let’s break down some energy boosting snacks and how they can fill our busy days.

First of all, we have nuts and seeds.

These are tiny powerhouses that are packed with healthy fats, protein, and fibre; making them a good snack option in between our meals.

So almonds, for example, they are rich in magnesium, which is a mineral in our body’s cells.

And don’t overlook chia seeds as they are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids known for their role in increasing our cognitive wellbeing.

Yoghurt is a good option as well. Because it’s a great source of protein, which is crucial for muscle repair, growth and overall body maintenance.

Plus, many yoghurts contain probiotics, which help to maintain a healthy gut flora. This helps to improve nutrient absorption and digestion.

Next, fresh fruits. As we all know, they are a nature’s sweet treats.

They’re not only delicious, but also packed with vitamins, minerals and natural sugars.

It can give you a quick energy boost.

And last but not least, we have chicken essence.

Chicken essence is used as a traditional remedy for different aims. It is rich in nutrients such as proteins, peptides, amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

And studies have actually shown that chicken essence can contribute favourably to our cognitive function. Specifically, it can help enhance our working memory.

Besides that, it can also potentially play a role in the recovery of our cortisol levels, which, also help to improve our cognitive function.

So, a daily intake of chicken essence can actually lead to improvements in various aspects of our wellbeing.

Q7: How can they integrate these changes into their hectic schedules?

Start small.

So, add some nuts, yoghurt, or fruits to your daily routine. And a quick, nutritious drink like chicken essence can also do wonders.

It’s about finding what works for you and fits into your daily life without added stress.

And remember, consistency is key.

So, even small changes can make a big difference in your energy levels.

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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