Mother, Baby & Kids

Do Babies Need Anti-Aging Products Too? Actress Neelofa Thinks So


A baby – The epitome of youth and innocence. Now imagine if someone were to tell you that babies need to start eating anti-aging and whitening supplements. Ridiculous right? What if the one telling you that babies need this supplement is a famous celebrity? Does that make you start doubting yourself? This is the danger that Malaysian actress and entrepreneur Noor Neelofa Mohd Noor, otherwise know as Neelofa, is presenting to her fans with babies right now.


So what exactly happened? Neelofa recently posted a video on her Instagram story, promoting an anti-aging and whitening supplement. Standard enough right? Except that this product is targeted for babies and children under the age of 12. Yeap. Little ones who aren’t even done developing, let alone require any anti-aging products! What’s more, she even posted dosage instructions for feeding your child this awful product. Babies not able to swallow pills? No problem! Just mix it in their milk!

If you haven’t already noticed how ridiculous it is to think that children need anti-wrinkle and whitening supplements, here’s me telling you NOT TO DO IT. By adding these dubious supplements to your baby’s milk or feeding your child these supplements could lead to damaging your little one’s organs. If you want your baby to grow up strong and healthy, just stick to breastfeeding them or feeding them high-quality milk formula. Babies have no need for gimmicky supplements such as this.

Understandably, Neelofa received a large amount of backlash from this promotion, with many celebrities and medical practitioners warning the public against following her advice. After all, your baby’s health should always come first! In response to the public outroar, Neelofa released the following statement on her Twitter account:

Advice to all readers out there, be smart with what you see on social media. Just because a celebrity endorses or promotes a product, doesn’t mean that it’s good. After all, celebrities can make mistakes and be wrongly informed as well. Always do your research, especially with what you are giving your little one. After all, we all want what’s best for our babies.

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