Mother, Baby & Kids

Baby on the Way? Preparing for a Wood Dragon Baby


The Year of the Wood Dragon is upon us, and there are also probably plenty of mummies expecting their own Dragon babies too, right?

The anticipation of a new baby is a joyous occasion that brings excitement and eagerness to any household.

Those expecting a child in 2024 will surely be blessed, for those born in the year of the Dragon are said to bring luck to all their family members.

To boost your baby’s good fortune in the year of the Wood Dragon, here are some ways you can prepare for their arrival and make your home a perfect oasis for a bouncing baby dragon.

The Wood Dragon

In the year 2024, the Wood Dragon combines the elements of Earth and Wood. This is an auspicious combination as Earth supports wood.

The dominant sector of the home is southeast. This will be the main direction and corner of your home where your baby’s luck is most abundant.

On the zodiac side of things, Wood Dragons are thought to be introverted, reserved individuals who prefer the joy of their own company.

So keep this in mind when you eventually have to parent them. But more on that in another article.

Choosing the Name of Your Wood Dragon Baby

Names are so important in Chinese culture.

Parents will consult fortune-tellers to know the most auspicious baby names not only based on the child’s zodiac sign but also their element and qi signature.

Families often hold a special Name Choosing Ceremony when a baby is born.

To make sure your Dragon baby has all the luck they need, take a look at these powerful Chinese characters which are imbued with the influence of the Dragon.

They include names associated with the sun, the stars and water (because dragons were thought to be gods of rain in Chinese mythology).

  • Boy names: 星 (Xing), 云 (Yun), 晨 (Chen), 振 (Zhen), 泳 (Yong), 海 (Hai), 清 (Qing), 琪 (Wang), 瑜 (Kun).
  • Girl names: 珍 (Zhen), 云 (Yun), 冰 (Bing), 涵 (Han), 洁 (Jie), 玲 (Ling), 珠 (Zhu), 琳 (Qiong), 琼 (Jing).

If you’d like more help with naming your child, you can also consult a fortune-teller who will tell you exactly what names you can use for your child for maximum good fortune and prosperity.

Lucky Numbers and Colours for the Wood Dragon

According to Chinese metaphysics, numbers and colours hold significant power over fortune and luck.

These change each year according to the movement of the stars and the reigning zodiac sign. For lucky colors, Dragons thrive with tones of gold and green.

Traditionally an Earth-based sign, Dragons are often associated with the color of gold and yellow.

Combine this with the Wood element and you add in green, emerald or any similar tones.

So, with the Earth and Wood elements combined, its important to ensure your child’s nursery is full of the colors of gold, yellow, and green.

Yellow curtains and a green crib perhaps, and a golden mobile with golden dragons hanging from it can be a cute little accessory as well.

For numbers, 8, 14 and 21 are especially lucky for Wood Dragons in 2024. But 1, 6 and 7 are lucky for all Dragon types (Water, Fire, Metal, Earth, Wood) and for any year.

To incorporate lucky numbers, plan special dates and occasions around those numbers. Pay attention to the year and month as well. Lucky days for 2024 for Wood Dragons are Friday.

You can also incorporate lucky numbers in the nursery décor for example such as arranging 8 toys in your baby’s crib, or hang a picture with 8 dragons in it.

Feng Shui Tips for Wood Dragons

There is an old belief that your birth year is unlucky because it offends Tai Sui or the Grand Duke Jupiter who is thought to oversee the fate and fortune of humanity for that cycle.

In 2024 that deity is General Li Cheng. To bring plenty of good fortune (and avert bad luck) for your newborn, Feng Shui experts recommend enshrining effigies of General Li Cheng at the Southeast sector of the home on an altar as a gesture of respect.

However, regular Tai Sui amulets and talismans will also suffice.

To find the correct facing direction of your home (which will inform the rest of your sectors) it’s important to look for the facing direction of your home (the part that receives more yang energy).

Other Important Traditions

Aside from special things and changes you can make in your home, here are also some common traditions practiced by all Chinese families when a baby comes.

You may want to add these to your to-do list as well.

Red Eggs

Giving red eggs is a traditional way to announce the arrival of a new baby. Red is considered a symbol of good luck and happiness in Chinese culture.

Dressing the Baby in Red

Red is a color associated with good luck and protection in Chinese culture.

It is common for babies to be dressed in red clothing and accessories, including hats and shoes, to ward off evil spirits and bring blessings.

Full Moon Celebration

When a baby reaches one month old, a Full Moon Celebration called Man Yue, is often held.

It is a significant event where family and friends gather to celebrate the baby’s survival through the fragile first month of life.

Ancestral Blessing

Families may announce the birth of the baby to ancestors by visiting ancestral gravesites or temples.

This is done to seek blessings and protection for the newborn from ancestral spirits.

Bathing Rituals

Special bathing rituals are performed for the baby on specific days following birth, often involving the use of symbolic items like lucky coins or charms.

This is believed to cleanse the baby of any negative energy.

Baby’s First Haircut

The baby’s first haircut is considered a significant event.

It is often done on a specific date, typically during the baby’s first month, and the hair is collected and kept as a memento.

Boost Your Baby Dragon’s Blessing this Year of the Wood Dragon

Whether you’re going through the remainder of your pregnancy, just gave birth, or are celebrating your baby’s first month, there’s still time to infuse your Dragon’s child environment with these luck-boosting elements and traditions.

Whether that’s introducing more lucky colours, changing up your home décor, or just being more spiritual and honouring the spirits and gods of your culture, there is never any shortage of things you can do to boost your child’s good fortune.

With any luck they’ll spend the rest of the year, happy, healthy and blessed, which is all every parent could hope for.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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