Mother, Baby & Kids

How to Manage Baby’s First Night at Home


If you’re expecting a baby soon, whether you’re a new mum or have had babies before, the first night home from the hospital can be overwhelming.

You’re recovering from postpartum and you’re baby’s getting used to being out of the womb.

Here’s what to expect on your first night home from the hospital and tips you can use to prepare.

What to Expect on the First Night Home

Here are a few things you can expect when you first take your baby home.

1. Your Postpartum Recovery

It’s to be expected that you’ll feel sore and beyond tired after giving birth.

Your body aches like you’ve been working for hours with the long labour, pushing and surgery.

The sleepless nights before birth, expecting what’s to come.

It’s important for you to get as much sleep and rest as possible.

If you have the chance to take a rest at least for an hour or two would be best to make up for lost sleep.

2. Routine

You might lack routine the first night home.

The main things you’d want to focus that night would be to feed, soothe and change diapers of your baby.

All you need to know is to change your baby’s diaper before each feeding session.

Your newborn should have at least one dirty diaper per day old.

Keeping track of your baby’s diaper change can indicate if they are getting enough to eat.

3. Newborn Feedings

You need to feed your baby more often during the first few nights.

It can be a difficult task to feed sometimes as many complications can arise such as:

  • struggle to learn how to latch and position baby
  • sore nipples or breast pain
  • gassy baby
  • baby won’t stay awake during the feed

Tips to Prepare for the First Night

Nikki Jurcutz, former paramedic shared her tips to get through the first night home with your newborn.

1. Have a Water Bottle Close

You might experience breastfeeding thirst and keeping a bottle near would save you the multiple trips to the kitchen.

2. Spare Diapers, Wipes and Onesies

Keep spare diapers, wipes and onesies close by in case of poop explosions or milk spit up during the night.

3. Have a Plan

Prepare a night plan for what will happen before you go to bed.

Nikki also mentioned that you should prepare a support plan before bed like emergency contacts in case you need immediate support

4. Record Baby’s Feeding and Diaper Change

She also mentioned that you should find a way to organise a way to record your baby’s feeding and diaper change overnight.

The First Night Is Tough

It’s no question that the first night can be tough and overwhelming with or without careful preparation for it.

Nikki reminded in her post that you should remember that the nights won’t be like this forever.

There’s no shame in asking for help.

There will always be someone to give you a hand if you need it.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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