Mother, Baby & Kids

Beauty Tips: Why Drinking Plenty of Water Is Important

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Water is the cheapest and easily accessible natural source that we sometimes take for granted. “Every living thing needs water…” I guess everyone already knows that.

Water is crucial to the human body. This is because about 60 to 70% of our body is made up of water. Drinking water can benefit our body in so many ways including the skin.

Speaking of the skin, if you are interested in beauty, you may want to know more about how water can help in your beauty regime. From eliminating acne to glowing skin, water can do it all.

How water plays a role in your skin’s beauty:

First, know that the skin is the largest organ in our body. Second, know that our skin is mostly made up of water! Therefore, getting enough water can help with our skin condition.

Drinking water can give the best hydration to our skin. Not only that, there are plenty of benefits that drinking water alone can do to our skin and also, maintain its overall beauty. Read on to know more about this below:

  • Prevent wrinkles


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Wrinkles form due to the lack of moisture and reduced elasticity. Hydration can help to maintain the skin moisture and maintain its elasticity, thus preventing the formation of wrinkles.

  • Improve complexion

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Water can help the complexion by improving the skin condition. Water helps to rinse and flush toxins out of our body. As a result, the skin is looking healthy and glowing.

  • Reduce acne

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Acne is not only common in teenagers but in adults too.

Acne problems can be controlled by getting enough hydration. As mentioned previously, drinking water can help to flush out toxins from the body, while at the same time shrinking pores. This can prevent acne formation.

  • Prevent skin itchiness

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When our skin is dry, it is prone to flakiness, redness and itchiness. But, this can easily be overcome once we get enough hydration from drinking plenty of water.

Not only your skin will become more glowing, but it also improves dryness and itchiness.

  • Reduce skin puffiness

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Sometimes our skin may become swollen or puffy due to water retention due to the high intake of sodium and imbalance of electrolytes. Yes, you guessed it right.

Water can help to reduce the swollen face and improve the overall body circulation system. Thus, reducing the puffiness.

  • Reduce pores appearance

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Our pores can appear small or large throughout the day. Our pores may become enlarged when the skin is oily. Drinking plenty of water helps to balance the sebum and moisture within the skin, which will result in smaller pore sizes.

  • Maintain skin pH

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If you have problematic skin, you know that maintaining a healthy pH balance is key to keeping your skin blemish-free and glowing. Drinking more water can help balance your pH level to give you healthy skin.

  • Tightens skin

Photo credit: The Singapore Women’s Weekly

When we lose weight, our skin will tend to become saggy. However, by drinking water, it helps to increase the skin’s elasticity, therefore tightens the skin.

Drink more water!

Now, that’s how water can tremendously affect your skin and beauty. The average individual will need to make sure that they drink about 2 to 3 litre every day.

This includes fruit juices or vegetables with high water content. But, if you find it hard to drink more water, you may find these tips are helpful:

Spare a water bottle

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One way to make sure that we get enough water is to prepare the water in a bottle. Most preferably is to get yourself a 1-litre bottle. This way, it is easier to monitor how much water you have drunk that day.

Adding mint or lemon

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Add mint leaves or slice a few pieces of lemon into your drinking water. Some people may get used to drinking flavoured water, this way can help them to make drinking plain water a new habit.

Adding honey

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Splashing some honey into your drinking water can give a nice taste, as well as adding a little more nutrients to your regular water. This is also a healthy option that can help clear out some acne problems thanks to honey’s anti-inflammatory effect.

Drinking water is essential not only for healthy and glowing skin, but to maintain the whole body’s natural mechanism.

The need to keep yourself more hydrated may be depending on the climate or the condition in our ambience, either we are staying in an air-conditioned room or outdoors, or either we are doing physical activities that make us sweat.

The bottom line is, if you desire a healthy, beautiful skin then you know what to do – by drinking more water!