Mother, Baby & Kids

10 Best Parent Child Halloween Costumes


It’s that time of the year again. Halloween is just around the corner. It is time to let loose and dress up. Bringing you a collection of funky costumes, this post will give you one more reason to be happy that you are a parent today!

1. Up


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Instead of recreating the romantic couple Carl and Ellie with your spouse, dress up as Carl Fredricksen and the adorable Russel just like this father and son duo.

2. Let Down your Hair


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Think your kid is too young to dress up this Halloween? This father and daughter is going to prove you wrong. This dad turned himself into a tower while carrying his daughter in a baby sling while dressing up as Rapunzel.

3. The Incredibles

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Who does not want to be superheroes? Gang up your power with these suits from The Incredibles and you are good to go. Plus, this costume works great for a big family!

4. Coffee Lover


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Perfect for all the coffee lovers, this Mom thought outside the box by dressing up as a barista while carrying her “frappucino”. One baby coffee to go, please!

5. Let it Go!

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Okay, this might be one of the most cliché costumes but hey, we just can’t seem to let it go (at least, not yet). Can’t decide who to be Elsa? Just let everyone be Elsa! That’s what this dad did with his three little girls and himself.

6. Game of Babies


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For mothers who are big fans of Game of Thrones series, this outfit is for you. Plus point for mothers who have triplets or three kids. Just put your babies in dragon costumes and conquer your kingdom as the Mother of Dragons.

7. Disney Fever


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Show of that father-daughter bond with these adorable Ariel and Triton from The Little Mermaid. A definite classic and simply too cute to ignore!

8. We. Are. Groot

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Guardian of Galaxy 2 is coming out so what better way to get into the hype with these adorable Groots costumes!

9. E.T.

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For those of you who grew up watching E.T., this outfit is just for you. Just decorate your baby carrier with a little basket and put on a hoodie. Little cost but oh-so-awesome.

10. Machinery Baby


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Here’s another way of getting creative with your baby carrier. If you have the creative gene, put it to good use and create an outstanding transformers robot.

So parents, Halloween is clearly not just for your kids but it’s for you as well. Go on and have fun with these adorable crazy costumes.