Mother, Baby & Kids

Cancer Cure-All in the Works, Clinical Trials to Begin Soon


Dubbed a ‘holy grail’ breakthrough in cancer research, the latest cancer-killing drug, AOH 1996 could be the key to humanity’s salvation.

Scientists reveal that they are on the brink of the biggest medical discovery of the century: a cure for cancer.

In 2020 alone, nearly 10 million people have perished from this silent killer.

Science has been fighting back, and now it looks like we’re finally winning.

Ever since the 1900s, doctors have always relied on chemo therapy and later radiotherapy to kill cancer cells.

This treatment does not come without side effects, nor is it 100% successful. Patients often die from the treatment before the disease.

This is why cancer is such a deadly and terrifying thing.


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Here’s a brief science lesson to help explain how cancer works:

Due to congenital imperfections in your DNA or other outside forces like radiation, health human cells can ‘mutate’, which forces them to grow out of control, taking in nutrient rich blood and damaging nearby organs.

But AOH 1996, the new miracle cancer-killing pill is expected to nip this process in the bud.

The secret to its success: a way of safely killing tumours by removing their ability to replicate without harming healthy human cells.

Who do we have to thank for this groundbreaking discovery?

The team of scientists at City of Hope, America’s largest cancer research organisation and treatment.

The experimental treatment is the culmination of over 20 years of research spearheaded by Linda Malkas who named the drug after a cancer patient, Anna Olivia Healey, who lost her 5-year battle with cancer.

AOH 1996 has shown promising results in animal studies and has been shown to be effective against almost 70 types of cancers including breast, prostate, brain, ovarian, cervical, skin and lung cancers.

Phase 1 human trials are currently underway, and only time will tell if this drug is as effective on humans as it is on lab rats.

Let us hope that the scientists continue to work hard on this discovery so that we can finally beat this old enemy once and for all.

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