Mother, Baby & Kids

Car Essentials for Malaysian Parents and Families

car essentials

(Image Credit: from Pexels)

If you have been in a situation where your sanity is on the line and your panic skyrocketed during a road trip, then you know not to go on the move before being prepared. Parents with young children or older children will experience emergency mode every time they are on the road. Whether they need to go to the toilet or they are hungry, almost anything can happen. It’s wise for parents all over the world to be well prepared especially while on the road. Like we said, anything can happen. Although the distance between states in Malaysia are not that far, it still takes up hours of car ride. Anything can happen during an hour ride. So it makes sense for parents to stock up and have along some car essentials kept in the car to prepare for anything happen to you, to the car, or to whatever happens in the rear view mirror.

Car Essentials #1: First Aid Kit

If you don’t have one, you can start buying for one now. First aid kit is crucial for every home and for every car to have. There’s always room for accidents, small or big, they are still accidents. You can buy from Watsons or Guardian for a prepared first aid kit. Or you can also buy the first aid kit package and stock it yourself. The lists of things you need in a first aid kit are:

  • 2 absorbent compress dressings
  • 25 adhesive bandages
  • 1 adhesive cloth tape
  • 5 antibiotic ointment packets
  • 5 antiseptic wipe packets
  • 2 packets of panadol or paracetamol.
  • 2 hydrocortisone ointment packets
  • Scissors
  • 1 roller bandage
  • 1 roller bandage
  • 5 sterile gauze pads
  • 5 sterile gauze pads
  • Oral thermometer
  • 2 triangular bandages
  • Tweezers

Car Essentials #2: Umbrella

You won’t know when you need it, but there is nothing wrong in being prepared. It’s highly recommended for every car to have a spare or two umbrellas. You may not want to have a bad weather, but you really don’t want to be drenched in water. So have a spare umbrella in your car so when it rains, you could use it for yourself and your children.


(Image Credit: Victoria Borodinova/Pexels)

Car Essentials #3: Wipes and Tissue

Wipes and Tissue are the best essential to keep in cars. Even if you are way beyond the nappy years, wipes and tissues are great tools to clean up spills. They are also good for cleaning up sticky fingers and sticky windows or door handles. Pretty much anything that includes dirty work. Wipes and tissues are the greatest invention for parents.

Car Essentials #4: Snacks

Any snacks that can feed the hungry monster sitting in the back seat are always a good idea. Either it’s healthy or not, it’s good to have one or more snacks. You can have a granola bar, chips, chocolates, biscuits or bread just to keep that hungry tummy from throwing tantrums. Even you could join them eat. What’s a road trip without snacks?

Car Essentials #5: Nappies

We are sure parents with babies or young kids know this already. The diaper bag is not only essential, but it’s also crucial for every parent with babies to bring. A spare or two nappies won’t be enough for a road trip. You should prepare more than three nappies for any emergency. You could also ensure the comfort of your baby if you regularly change his diaper. Road trips are usually uncomfortable for babies so parents should take extra precaution.

Car Essentials #6: Blanket

Cars can get a little too cold for young kids. Even if you like being in a cold car, your kids sometimes can’t handle it. So to prevent your kids from shivering and you complaining it’s too hot if you turn off the air conditioner, a blanket is your lifesaver. Bring along or keep a blanket or two in your car to use for any road trips.

Car Essentials #7: Change of Clothes

Even if it’s a one-hour road trip, you should pack changes of clothes for any emergency. Your kids might want to change their outfit because the jeans are making them uncomfortable. Or the shirt is itchy. Or, you know, they could spill their ribena juice all over their T-shirt. So having a change of clothes might be the thing you really need.

Car Essentials #8: Hand Sanitizer

We don’t know where that tiny little finger has touched without you noticing. So keep a hand sanitizer in the car for you and the whole family to use before snacking.

Car Essentials #10: Water Bottles

Keep yourself and your whole family hydrated by bringing along a fresh water bottle every time you are on the go. Either it’s a half an hour and one hour or five hour trip, a bottle of water for each member of the family should be crucial.