Mother, Baby & Kids

Cats, The Misunderstood Creatures: 8 Reasons Why They Make Great Pets

cats make good pets

Image credit: Pexels

All around the world, cats are often compared to dogs as pets (the two being the most common kinds of pets), and are sometimes misunderstood to be the “lesser” pet. Some families choose dogs over cats because from afar cats may seem more aloof or unaffectionate compared to dogs. They are also deemed to be more arrogant by some, too! However, this assumption could not be more wrong.

We can’t blame these impressions if we put them up against dog behaviours. Dogs are known to be eagerly waiting at the door and wagging its tail when you come home. Or jumping happily and slopping you with “kisses” after a long absence.

Whilst dogs have earned themselves a spot as “man’s best friend,” cats, on the other hand have left us with this impression, “a cat is a cat’s best friend.”

Well, to be fair, these are common misconceptions and these kitties have been sorely misunderstood as less responsive and loving pets. So, in conjunction with International Cat Day, here’re some highlights on the joy of having cats as pets, and why they make great companions.

8 Reasons Why Cats Make Excellent Pets

1. Cats are highly independent creatures


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Whilst cats love the attention you shower on them, they are also happy to have time to themselves. They do not demand for your undivided attention, and are happy to sit quietly by your side or play by themselves. When you do make time to play with them, they’re always up to it too, chasing endlessly what you dangle at them!

2. It’s easy to house or toilet train cats

These felines are super easy to train to use their litter box to relieve themselves. You don’t need to walk them out of the house if you prepare a litter box for them to use. Generally, they are also cleaner and more fussy about keeping themselves and their litter boxes clean after use.

3. Easily contented and adaptable

Just scratch a cat under its chin or on the head and you’ll hear the cat purring like a motorboat. A little affection shown to them goes a long way. Furthermore, cats can adapt easily to their environments, making it easy to adopt or train them to get settled.

4. Cats clean and groom themselves

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Cats are probably one of the rare kinds of pets that fuss over their own cleanliness, and go about cleaning themselves regularly. They do so by licking their coat and grooming themselves. A cat’s tongue is full of papillae, an element that helps to keep animals clean.

5. Cats learn quickly

Being an intelligent animal, cats learn new things quickly, even when all they do is simply observing. They are also instinctive which helps them to learn better. Teach them a trick or two and they would quickly get it, even without offering treats to go with it.

6. Loyal companions

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They make wonderful loyal companions, and can be very affectionate and sociable. Whilst it’s true that they may not always be at your beck and call, they are loyal nevertheless. They can also be rather protective and on-guard when sensing danger. As with dogs, cats can also sense our emotions and can be a source of comfort to their masters.

7. They are good house pets for smaller dwellings

Cats are rather low maintenance in many of the above ways, and they also make good pets for smaller living spaces like apartments or condominiums. They don’t need large spaces to run about and they are rather quiet pets, too. 

8. Cats are calming

Unlike dogs, cats are less jumpy and active. They ask little of their human companions, and they have a more gentle and calmer disposition, too. These Zen-like qualities rub off on their masters too in times when we need our quiet time to unwind.

All Cats Deserve Love And Affection

Image credit: Pexels

So you see, a cat can be man’s best friend once we understand their traits, too. If you are on the lookout for a pet cat, there are avenues like SPCA and PAWS to adopt rescued felines.

There are many benefits to having pets, and pets make wonderful companions for children too. However, adopting a pet is a life-long commitment as we will be responsible for them for their entire lifespan. Thus, it is not a decision to take lightly, as we remain their caretakers for life, just as they remain our loyal companions for life.