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Changes to PT3 Exam Format: What Parents and Students Should Know

There will be changes to the Form Three Assessment (PT3) examination this year. (Image Credit: The Malay Mail)

There will be changes to the Form Three Assessment (PT3) examination this year, according to The Star. PT3 has around 450,000 exam candidates each year, which these changes will be applied to.

1. Written exam for History and Geography

Students were previously assessed purely based on projects. This year, the projects will stay but students are required to sit for written exams as well.

The written exams will comprise 80% of their final results, whereas the projects are now school-based and part of the teaching and learning process in the new Secondary School Standard-based Curriculum (KSSM).

The ministry had received feedback from parents and schools requesting that written exams be brought back, said Examinations Syndicate policy management and development sector head Dr Rahimah Adam.


There will be written exams for History and Geography.

2. Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) for all subjects

MCQs will be introduced for all subjects, as this is to expose students to different types of questions. This is to test students thinking when responding, rather than blindly choosing an answer, said Dr Rahimah.

3. Two New Subjects

The two new subjects are Asas Sains Komputer (Computer Science Basics) and Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (Design and Technology). These subjects were developed by the ministry’s Curriculum Development Division.

Students have been studying these subjects since Form One under KSSM, thus it would not be a shock when they are tested on these subjects in the PT3, said Dr Rahimah.

Students will sit for either one of the two subjects, and will be based on 70% written exams and 30% school-based projects.

The format can be downloaded at and by the end of this week, there will be sample questions based on the format uploaded on the portal, she added.

Asas Sains Komputer is a subject that teaches students simple programming, whereas Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi exposes them to technology and new designs. These subjects had replaced the Living Skills subjects as it emphasises on usage of computers and technology.

PT3 has around 450,000 exam candidates each year. (Image Credit: The Star)

Future Plans

There are plans to increase the schools’ autonomy and accountability when preparing and conducting the exam. Currently, schools and the Examination Syndicate share accountability where examination papers and marking schemes are prepared by the syndicate while the school administers the PT3 examination.

Next year, all subjects except for five will be completely prepared, administered and marked by schools, just like the end-of-year examination. The ministry will provide guidelines to schools on preparing the exam papers.

The five subjects are Bahasa Melayu, English, Pendidikan Kesenian (Arts), Hifz al Quran and al-Lughah al-Arabiah al-Muasirah.

This is to recognise teachers’ efforts in assessing their students, as well as to give more accountability and autonomy, she said.

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