Mother, Baby & Kids

25 Best Chinese New Year Wishes for a Prosperous Dragon Year

25 Best Chinese New Year Wishes 2024

As we embrace the Year of the Dragon and the vigour and optimism it symbolizes, the promise of renewal and boundless possibilities fills our hearts and homes. In this spirit of rejuvenation, we’ve curated a collection of the top 25 Chinese New Year greetings for 2024, each meticulously crafted to convey wishes of prosperity, health, and happiness.

These greetings are more than mere words; they connect us to our loved ones, near and far, as we look forward to a year marked by success, harmony, and the fulfilment of our deepest aspirations. Let these greetings be your voice as we usher in a year of unparalleled fortune and joy!

February 10, 2024, A Date for Celebration in Malaysia


In 2024, Malaysia welcomes the exhilarating Year of the Dragon, a time promising prosperity, courage, and good fortune deeply embedded in the Chinese lunar calendar. The Dragon, known for its might and auspiciousness, casts an influential aura over the year, inspiring communities nationwide.

As preparations gain momentum, cities like Kuala Lumpur, Penang, and Melaka are gearing up for spectacular festivities, illuminating the streets with vibrant colours and energy.

The air will buzz with firecrackers and be adorned with red lanterns as Malaysian communities engage in vibrant parades featuring the traditional lion and dragon dances, symbols of strength and good luck.

Families will come together to embrace time-honoured customs, such as the exchange of red envelopes, or “hóngbāo,” filled with money to symbolize the passage of prosperity and luck from elders to the younger generation. Culinary traditions will also play a significant role, with special dishes prepared to attract wealth, health, and success in the coming year.

Celebrating the Year of the Dragon, which occurs every 12 years, is more than a cultural festivity in Malaysia; it represents a beacon of hope and unity, encouraging individuals to exhibit bravery and strive for greatness. It reflects the nation’s rich tapestry of traditions and unites people in a shared aspiration for a brighter, more prosperous future.

25 Chinese New Year Wishes

If you are looking for the best Chinese New Year wishes, here are some of the best you can copy and paste easily.

  1. Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with health, wealth, and success! (新年快乐,身体健康,财源广进!)
  2. May prosperity follow you wherever you go and in whatever you do. Happy Chinese New Year! (恭喜发财,祝你在新的一年里财运亨通!)
  3. Wishing you a year full of happiness, prosperity, and your heart’s desires coming true! (万事如意,新年快乐,愿你心想事成!)
  4. May good health and fortune smile upon you in this New Year. (身体健康,恭喜发财!)
  5. Here’s to a New Year brimming with opportunities and dreams coming true. Happy Chinese New Year! (心想事成,新年快乐,愿你抓住每个机会!)
  6. May you be blessed with surplus and prosperity throughout the New Year. (年年有余,祝你新年快乐,财富滚滚来!)
  7. Wishing you great luck and immense profit in all your endeavours. Happy New Year! (大吉大利,新年快乐,祝你事业发达!)
  8. May your days be filled with smiles and laughter throughout this New Year. (笑口常开,愿你的每一天都充满欢笑!)
  9. Wishing you a booming business and plenty of happiness. Happy Chinese New Year! (生意兴隆,新年快乐,祝你业务繁荣!)
  10. May harmony bring wealth to you this New Year. Enjoy the celebrations! (和气生财,祝你新年充满和谐与繁荣!)
  11. Attract wealth and treasures in the New Year. Wishing you prosperity! (招财进宝,愿新年为你带来无尽的财富!)
  12. Wishing you a New Year where wealth flows in from all directions. (财源广进,祝你新年财富滚滚来!)
  13. May happiness and longevity be yours this New Year. (福寿双全,愿你新年快乐,健康长寿!)
  14. Wishing your family immense happiness and togetherness this New Year. (家庭幸福,愿你们新的一年家和万事兴!)
  15. Wishing you immediate success and achievements in the New Year. (马到功成,祝你新年事业有成!)
  16. Here’s to significant progress in your studies this New Year. (学业进步,愿你学业有成,步步高升!)
  17. Wishing you a peaceful and prosperous career in the coming year. (安居乐业,愿你职业顺利,生活幸福!)
  18. May your home be filled with all things precious and beautiful. (金玉满堂,祝你新年家中充满财富和美满!)
  19. Wishing you the vigour and energy of dragons and horses this New Year. (龙马精神,愿你新年精力充沛,勇往直前!)
  20. Wishing you a path of red fortune and happiness in the New Year. (红运当头,愿你新年好运连连!)
  21. May prosperity and success bloom in all areas of your life. Happy Chinese New Year! (兴旺发达,新年快乐,愿你各方面都成功兴旺!)
  22. Wishing you unparalleled success and fulfilment in your career this year. (事业成功,愿你在职场上取得巨大成就!)
  23. Wishing you a year filled with joy, peace, and contentment. (平安喜乐,愿你新年生活幸福安康!)
  24. May good luck and smooth sailing follow you every day this year. Happy Chinese New Year! (吉祥如意,新年快乐,愿你每天都顺风顺水!)
  25. Wishing you happiness from honest and open-hearted engagements this New Year. (开心见诚,愿真诚带给你无尽的快乐!)

Lucky Colours in the Year of the Dragon

In the auspicious Year of the Dragon, gold is the highly recommended colour, symbolizing unparalleled fortune and success. This vibrant hue, deeply entwined with the dragon’s essence, represents the majestic creature’s traditional association with wealth, prosperity, and imperial power in Chinese culture.

Gold, capturing the shimmering essence of the sun and its life-giving energy, is believed to attract positive energy and foster an environment ripe for growth and achievement. Incorporating gold into one’s attire or home decor during the Year of the Dragon enhances luck, inviting opportunities for financial success and personal advancement.

It’s not merely a colour but a beacon of hope and aspiration, encouraging those who embrace it to embody the dragon’s boldness and ambition. As such, wearing gold or integrating it into one’s surroundings is more than a stylistic choice; it’s a powerful statement of intent to harness the auspicious energy of the dragon year and soar to new heights of prosperity.

Fortune Ornaments, Anyone?

Adorn one’s living and personal spaces with specific fortune ornaments this year can significantly amplify the year’s auspicious energies. Among the most highly recommended are jade dragon pendants and dragon-shaped sculptures, both of which harness this zodiac sign’s mystical power and prosperity.

The jade dragon pendant, in particular, is revered for its dual ability to attract good luck and ward off negative influences, embodying the dragon’s wisdom, courage, and noble virtues.

Positioning a dragon sculpture in the east sector of one’s home or office is believed to boost career prospects and foster good health, ushering in a wave of positive chi or energy.

Furthermore, incorporating elements of gold in these ornaments elevates their potency, tapping into the Year of the Dragon’s theme of abundant success and fortune. These symbolically rich adornments are more than decorative pieces; they serve as talismans that invite well-being, prosperity, and the dynamic spirit of the dragon into one’s life.

Conclusion: Chinese New Year Wishes

As we stand on the cusp of the vibrant and promising Year of the Dragon, let us embrace the powerful energies and auspicious tidings it brings.

May the majestic spirit of the Dragon guide you towards unparalleled success, imbuing your lives with prosperity, strength, and resilience.

We wish everyone a Chinese New Year brimming with joy, health, and wealth, surrounded by loved ones and filled with moments that turn into cherished memories. Let this year be a testament to your ambitions, lit by the golden glow of fortune and the unwavering courage to pursue your dreams.

Happy Chinese New Year! May the Year of the Dragon herald a season of magnificent achievements and boundless prosperity for all.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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