Mother, Baby & Kids

Chinese Zodiac Forecast For 2022 – Part 1

What does the Year of The Tiger hold for everyone in this coming Lunar New Year? Let’s explore the world of the Chinese Zodiac to discover what’s in store so that we can be better prepared to face the year ahead.

Read on for each zodiac’s forecast!

(Sources of reference: Joey Yap and China Highlights)


Birth years: 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Personality traits: Confident, brave, magnetic, idealistic, thrill-seeking

Parenting the Tiger child: A little Tiger is someone who needs a lot of tender loving care, especially in their down times. They also do not like to be ignored! The Tiger child can also have explosive emotions and do not know how to contain it well. It will be helpful to help your child to manage, diffuse, and master their volatile moods so that they will grow up as well adjusted adults.

2022 Forecast

General: The year brings about changes in your life. People will be paying attention to what you say and do, so step up and take this opportunity to shine.

Health: A relatively stable health prognosis. You may be prone to getting hurt externally and internally. Also, adopt a healthier diet to keep your digestive system healthy.

Career & Wealth: Be aware of petty people around you. You will be recognised for your hard work and efficiency, and there are still lots of room for improvement and growth. Keep upgrading yourself. You will have relatively stable financial luck this year, and there will not be many fluctuations.

Relationships: Your relationship may be affected as you face a very busy year. Take note that you should try to navigate your work around the changes you are facing, and put in more effort into maintaining your relationship. Those who are single will also have better luck this year to meet their lifelong partner. This is a good year to hold a wedding.


Birth years: 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

Personality traits: Kind, sensitive, artistic, romantic, timid, refined

Parenting the Rabbit child: The Rabbit child is one who is sensitive to criticism and harsh words. Hence, when disciplining your little Rabbit, do be mindful of your tone and choice of words. Cultivate in your Rabbit child a sense of consideration for others.

2022 Forecast

General: You have the opportunity to meet the right people and get help and support in various aspects of your life when you need it most.

Health: Take note that you may be faced with physical and mental health issues this year. Stay away from smoking and drinking, and focus more time on exercising and adopting a healthier diet.

Career & Wealth: You will have the opportunity for promotion, so keep a lookout for offers that may be coming your way within your organisation or industry. Being in male-related business areas such as selling cars, men’s clothing, audio equipment, etc., will bring in good business. Try to expand into overseas market. Those in advertising, design, screenwriting, etc., will enjoy a highly creative year.

Relationships: Those who are single are lucky in love this year, so keep an open mind about people you meet. For those who are married, stay away from temptations to be unfaithful!


Birth years: 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Personality traits: Outspoken, energetic, generous, intelligent, perfectionistic

Parenting the Dragon child: The Dragon child has an abundance of energy, and it will serve the child well to be guided properly in containing and channelling it effectively so that your child doesn’t burn out. Also, help your little Dragon to understand and accept defeat gracefully as they are known to be unable to handle losses well.

2022 Forecast

General: This is a good time to do some self-reflection to learn more about yourself and build up your spirituality. Be open-minded. When facing challenges, take time to contemplate to make better decisions.

Health: Take note that old illnesses may recur, hence eat a well-balanced diet and be more well rested to take care of your health.

Career & Wealth: You will have opportunities coming your way, along with great positions and pay that you’ve been seeking. Do weigh them out, and have the confidence to ask for what you want and not to be short-changed. For those in business, it is a relatively stable year.

Relationships: For the singles, this is an average year for romance. For married people, you may find yourselves having many trivial arguments. Do stay calm, so that you can avoid having too many quarrels.


Birth years: 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Personality traits: Clever, curious, alluring, wise, anxious

Parenting the Snake child: The Snake child can be full of charm and get people besotted to do his or her bidding easily. And they are aware of the effect they have on others. However, when they do not get their way, they can also turn temperamental and sulky. A Snake child also tends to quietly internalise a lot of stress and this manifests into stomachaches or other tummy troubles.

Forecast 2022

General: You will have the opportunity to expand your career. Challenge yourself with more responsibilities and increase your wealth.

Health: You may be easily stressed, and experience a weak digestive system. Be careful with your diet, and find ways to relax. Start a new hobby or pick up meditation to help you mentally and emotionally.

Career & Wealth: This is not a good year to make a career change. Persevere and avoid any disputes that may cause gossips or problems at work.

Relationships: This is an average year for romance for the single female but a good one for the single male. For married people, you may have frequent disputes. Do keep calm to ease conflicts and maintain a more harmonious relationship at home.


Birth years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026

Personality traits: Amusing, enthusiastic, independent, persuasive, animated, active, energetic

Parenting the Horse child: You may find your Horse child rather headstrong in achieving what they want, so much so that they may be inconsiderate and dismissive of others. Thus, it is important to cultivate a sense of patience in the Horse child. They tend to be quite stubborn and impulsive as well. It will serve the child well to be guided to have discretion and self-control early on in life.

Forecast 2022

General: Positive career and wealth vibes for you this year! You will find yourself to be more motivated and energised to accomplish your goals and you will be handsomely rewarded for your hard work.

Health: You will enjoy good physical health this year. However, the same cannot be said for your emotional and spiritual well-being. You may suffer from insomnia, hormonal changes and hair loss.

Career & Wealth: You will see a steady rise in your career luck this year, and your projects will continue to progress smoothly. If you are in business, it’s a good time to expand and you may see an unexpected windfall.

Relationships: Love luck is average for you this year, and you may tend to focus more on work and thus in danger of neglecting your partner. Do remember to take time-off to spend some quality time to maintain a harmonious relationship.


Birth years: 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027

Personality traits: Easygoing, empathetic, creative, cheerful, gentle, amicable, kind-hearted

Parenting the Goat child: A little Goat dislikes schedules, criticism, and discipline. On the other hand, a Goat child needs a lot of reassurance, advice, and approval. Parents need to stand by the Goat child until she or he feels more ready to go at it alone.

Forecast 2022

General: This is a good year for relationships and career. Your efforts will bear fruit and may earn you a raise and promotion.

Health: You will enjoy good health this year. For those who have been under the weather, you will be on the road to recovery.

Career & Wealth: This is not a time to change jobs. Focus on upgrading your skill set. When facing challenges, you may find others are willing to help you out. Although the financial resources will be rolling in, remember not to invest blindly, and do not invest in stocks too aggressively, so as to avoid heavy losses. You are recommended to make more charitable donations and do other good deeds.

Relationships: For those who are married, keep a distance from romantic traps to avoid causing misunderstandings in your relationship. For those who are single, there will be progress this year.

For Part 2 of the forecast for the remaining six zodiac signs, read here.

Motherhood wishes you and yours an auspicious Year of the Tiger blessed with an abundance of prosperity and good health!

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