Mother, Baby & Kids

Chinese Zodiac Forecast For 2022 – Part 2

What does the Year of The Tiger hold for everyone in this coming Lunar New Year? Let’s explore the world of the Chinese Zodiac to discover what’s in store so that we can be better prepared to face the year ahead.

Read on for each zodiac’s forecast!

(Sources of reference: Joey Yap and China Highlights)


Birth years: 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028

Personality traits: Entertaining, intelligent, optimistic, sociable, curious, witty

Parenting the Monkey child: Monkeys tend to have an innate sense of superiority, thus it is important for parents to guide the Monkey child in cultivating respect for others and a sense of humility. They are highly intelligent and talented, and also lose interest and focus quickly. Help your child develop their steadiness and seriousness when doing something.

Forecast 2022

General: This year you will awaken to your new superpower — the power to solve problems!

Health: Health wise, this is not the best year for you. Also, be careful when on the road, as there may be accidents. You may also experience difficulty sleeping, and plagued with emotional issues.

Career & Wealth: Travel will be a feature for you this year. If you are an entrepreneur, this year will be a good time to expand into overseas markets. Seize your opportunities and, at the same time, analyse the risks that may arise. Don’t invest and manage your money without due consideration, otherwise you will lose a lot of money and your losses will outweigh your gains. You should choose to invest in stable markets such as real estate, and don’t buy risky stocks.

Relationships: Luck in this area is unstable this year. There may be many cold wars and quarrels, so do communicate properly to avoid unnecessary conflicts. You may also be dealing with emotional betrayal. For those who are single, you may unexpectedly meet the right person when you are travelling or on business.


Birth years: 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029

Personality traits: Adventurous, charitable, funny, loyal, hardworking, resourceful, courageous, confident

Parenting the Rooster child: The Rooster child loves to be in the limelight and also wants to be right all the time. Help your child understand that he or she doesn’t know everything there is to know, and that it is okay! They also lack self-restraint and moderation in their actions, so it will be helpful to direct their energy towards something more fruitful.

Forecast 2022

General: You’ll be the go-to person for solutions as you will have the ability to make unexpected situations favourable for yourself and others. This year will bring plenty of opportunities to your doorstep.

Health: Be careful of your eating habits. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated. You may be faced with some unexpected illnesses.

Career & Wealth: Your career fortuity this year is very conducive, so seize this rare opportunity. Those who do business, luck is not as stable. Be prepared for sudden ups and downs and do reserve some money for emergencies.

Relationships: This year has a stable outlook in your relationship matters. Inject some fun and excitement into your relationship, otherwise it would get monotonous. Also, be honest and communicative with your partner.


Birth years: 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030

Personality traits: Helpful, honest, trustworthy, unselfish, loyal, cautious, prudent

Parenting the Dog child: The Dog child basks in encouragement and appreciation, and when lacking in them, they tend to be insensitive and indifferent to your parental appeal. Encourage your Dog child to take charge sometimes, for he or she is typically reluctant to, but is by nature a capable and strong leader.

Forecast 2022

General: This is the year you get a boost in your independence and confidence as you get creative with all that you do. There’s also career advancement.

Health: You may get hurt easily this year, and also feel down and out emotionally. Do catch up with close friends and family for some support.

Career & Wealth: There’s opportunity for career advancement, and people around you who will help and guide you. Keep a wide network and avoid those who may bring you down. Those in creative work will find creativity and inspiration continue to come to mind. Those in business, fortune may not be on your side. Do consider changing your strategy and evaluate stringently any cooperation with others as the hassle may outweigh the gains.

Relationships: This is the year for the singles to actively find love! For those in a relationship, you may have communication difficulties and could cause misunderstandings.


Birth years: 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031

Personality traits: Caring, generous, smart, outgoing, diligent, compassionate

Parenting the Pig child: Being ever ready to say yes and help others when they are needed, the Pig chid can sometimes over commit to lending a hand. Help to guide your child cultivate discretion and self-control.

Forecast 2022

General: This is a year of great adventure! Go and make happy memories with loved ones. You will have opportunities to boost your network and nurture new relationships and gain new wisdom and learn from helpful people around you.

Health: Stay moderate and don’t over indulge. Keep a healthy diet and avoid snacking, drinking, and smoking too much. Exercise frequently and drink lots of water.

Career & Wealth: There are opportunities for career advancement, with people around you who are willing to help and guide you. Those in business, try out more projects but do not invest too much money at a time. There may be a sudden financial crisis at some point, so be sure to anticipate it and reserve sufficient funds to support the operation of your company.

Relationships: Communication is key for married couples. Be emphatic towards their feelings. For those who are single, love luck is with you this year!


Birth years: 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

Personality traits: Ambitious, charming, talkative, resourceful, private, quick-witted, resourceful, smart, versatile, and good at saving money

Parenting the Rat child: Emotional attachment and loyalty runs deep in the Rat child. This is not only towards people, but their belongings too! The Rat child also tends to scatter their energy into doing too much, and being rather competitive. Help them to dial down the competitiveness before it becomes excessive.

Forecast 2022

General: It is a year of change for you, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

This is a good year to do some self reflection on your career, relationship, and beliefs. Take a step in growing yourself spiritually, and to embrace change.

Health: Be more aware of your surroundings, as this year you may be more prone to road accidents or getting physically injured.

Career & Wealth: Development is relatively flat, but if you are willing to work hard, it could usher in a period of upswing. This year is more of a preparation period, to lay a solid foundation and maintain good relationships. Thus, it will be a good year to plan ahead, and upgrade your skill sets. Do put in some effort to be more innovative.

Relationships: For those who are single, this year may not be the most promising in finding a partner. For those who are married, many conflicts may arise causing a strain on your relationship. Do consider looking at things from the perspective of your other half, and cultivate a more harmonious home life with your spouse.


Birth years: 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Personality traits: Diligent, gentle, hardworking, reliable, patient, determined

Parenting the Ox child: The Ox child tends to be prideful and dislike weakness in others, and also in themselves! As such, they do not like to ask for and receive help and advice. Hence, it would serve the child well to be guided towards a spirit of compassionate consideration and understanding for others. An Ox child also likes stability and well-established routines.

Forecast 2022

General: It is a year where you shine and are more likeable and attractive to others. You have the ability to strengthen your relationships and network, so go ahead and become more visible to others!

Health: You may be catching on more coughs and colds, and experiencing stress or burnout. Take note of your immune system. Also, take some breaks and connect with nature. It will help you and improve your mood, too.

Career & Wealth: Keep your feet steady on the ground, and cultivate the right attitude towards work. Aim high, and build the right abilities and skill set you need, and work hard. This year, your work performance will mainly be driven by relationships, and so good interpersonal relationships must be maintained. When dealing with a huge amount of business, it is even more important to treat people sincerely and retain customers.

Relationships: For those who are single, this year presents a greater chance of finding someone, so do take a step forward if you meet someone you like. However, do not be too aggressive. Take the time to cultivate the relationship. If you’re married, you may be facing many temptations. Be firm in your heart, and do not act impulsively.

For Part 1 of the forecast for the remaining six zodiac signs, read here.

Motherhood wishes you and yours an auspicious Year of the Tiger blessed with an abundance of prosperity and good health! Gong Xi Fa Cai!

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