Mother, Baby & Kids

Grow Your Little Coder for Free with These 5 Coding Websites for Kids

coding for kids

As parents, you want your children to keep up with this super tech-savvy world. The world is now evolved, and everyone is in the realm of coding. It encourages kids to become creators. Thankfully, numerous programmes offer the best coding for kids online.

But to make your search easier, here is a list of websites offering the best coding for kids aged between 5 and 15 years. And you don’t have to worry about costs at all. The websites listed here are completely free.

Moreover, they cover everything from simple commands to complex programming languages. Without further ado, let’s get on right to the list.

Coder Kids

Image credit: Coder Kids Website

In order to start learning how to code, kids need to become familiar with the basics and the Scratch interface. Hence, Coder Kids is an excellent platform as it offers coding classes for children of all ages. Its introduction to Scratch coding class is available on-demand for free.

Moreover, it teaches kids how to set up their Scratch accounts. Then, they get a chance to build a solid foundation in Scratch to express themselves through coding.

Once they cover the basics, they also have to take a final assessment, the Pokémon in Space project. It helps the children to recap what they have learnt and excel in future coding challenges.

Suitability: All ages
Contact no: +1 832-640-9568
Instagram page: coderkidsofficial
LinkedIn page: Coder Kids, Inc.
Opening hours: Sundays to Fridays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (Closed on Saturdays)

Code for Life

Image credit: Code for Life Facebook page

Code for Life is a mobile app for all age ranges, including elementary, primary and high school students. This coding for kids’ app teaches coding concepts and Python.

In addition, kids learn how to play video games with Blockly. It also has access to excellent resources for parents in the form of comprehensive lesson plans so that you can learn coding with your kids.

The platform offers a perfect opportunity to bond with your kids. You won’t feel like an alien in their tech-advanced world. You can have fun coding together, and your kids can come to you with any coding problems.

Suitability: 6 years old and above
Facebook page: Code for Life
Twitter page: Code for Life

Code Monster by Crunchzilla

Image credit: Crunchzilla Website

Boost your kids’ coding knowledge with Crunchzilla, one of the most accessible teaching platforms online. The content is presented in an engaging manner that is perfect for educating young minds.

Using a cute, blue mascot called Code Monster, it teaches kids programming languages such as Javascript using fun, interactive sessions. Two boxes are displayed side-by-side on the simple screen. Children code in one box and the results of their code are displayed in another box.

There are 59 progressive lessons on the website. However, to progress through the lessons without adult assistance, the children must know how to read independently.

Suitability: 8 years old and above
LinkedIn page: Programming Foundations: Programming for Kids


Image credit: Scratch Website

One of the best free websites that provide coding for kids is Scratch. The platform is designed by MIT to help parents find an easy-to-use platform for coding for kids online. Hence, as young as kindergarteners can use Scratch by opting for the Scratch Jr programme.

This application uses the easiest user interface design based on visual code blocks. There are many different types of projects that kids can create on Scratch and Scratch Jr.

The online community and programming languages present in Scratch allow children to create interactive stories, video games, and animations by dragging and dropping code blocks rather than typing them.

Suitability: 5 to 8 years old


Image credit: CodinGame Facebook page

Codin Game has free tutorials that make getting started with any coding task easier, even for professional coders. In CodinGame, high school students can explore game creation and play to improve their existing coding skills.

Moreover, it helps students practice coding in a variety of languages, including C++, HTML, Java, Python, Ruby, and Swift, by solving puzzles, competing in coding battles, and participating in multi-player video games.

Suitability: 11 years old and above
Facebook page: CodinGame
LinkedIn page: CodinGame
Twitter page: CodinGame

Tips and Tricks

Image credit: Pexel

Although all the options above offer free best coding for kids, for best results, your kids can combine more than one programme simultaneously. Additionally, you may want to consider incorporating kids’ after-school programmes, summer camps or private lessons as a way to help your young ones continue to grow in their skill set!

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