Mother, Baby & Kids

COVID-19: Enormous Surge in Deaths Among Children


Image credit: Bernama

As of the 30th of August 2021, an alarming surge in the deaths of children from COVID-19 takes on frightening heights.

While just last year there were only six child fatalities below the age of 17, our country has now recorded a total of 41 deaths among children.

Among the 41 fatalities, 15 were children below the age of four, 12 of which occurring within the recent 3 months. The pandemic also took the lives of 16 children between ages twelve and seventeen years old, with another 9 below twelve years.

The total number of positive cases involving children to date currently amounts to a total of 310,074 cases- a 25-fold increase in contrast to the 12,629 last year in 2020.

This year, children between ages seven to twelves years old reportedly make up the highest number of positive cases with a total of 106,823.  This is followed by those aged thirteen to seventeen years old with total cases of 89,087. Those up to four years old comes next with a total of 81,168, and five to six-year-olds at 32,996.

The rise in cases among children is indeed frightening. wishes the utmost strength and endurance to parents of restless younglings long deprived of life outdoors. Choosing to keep your child indoors now serves as a life-saving measure for your child; particularly as our fight against this pandemic has yet to reach a culmination. Now is indeed the time to vamp up our vigilance for the health and livelihood of our little ones. Safety first, always. Together, we can overcome this pandemic.

Stay tuned to Motherhood Story for more pieces on COVID-19 updates and other engaging reads!