Mother, Baby & Kids

COVID-19 Impact: Here is How You Can Still Face The Job Loss Like A Hero

face the job loss

COVID-19 is never a joke. Many employees are laid off as a snowball from this pandemic. To cope with a job loss is hard, to have to face it during this pandemic is harder.

Especially when you have mouths to be fed, thinking about the future is enough to bring anxiety. However, nothing is impossible in this world. Even during this pandemic of COVID-19, you can still face job loss like a hero when there is a will.

How to Calmly Face the Job Loss during COVID-19?

Losing a job is a very personal and emotional loss. Aside from money matter, you would lose your routine, regularity and sometimes you may begin to question your purpose of life. It is safe to say that it feels like you are just broken up from a long term relationship.

Just like after you are dumped by your partner, you tend to blame yourself thinking where could have been wrong for you to be unemployed. Especially during this pandemic, you would feel ashamed to not be able to provide for your family and the uncertainty of the future would take a toll on you.

However, though it is easier to freeze on the couch and pamper all the negative emotions, it is way important for you to stay put and take care of your health be it mentally or physically. Stop focusing on things you can’t control. Covid-19 has hit us hard and how you face the job loss says a lot about you.

Start by taking care of your health in order to stay positive. Get enough sleep and don’t skip your workout routine. Maintain your meal and sleep time as it will affect your productivity. Utilise this free time by being with your family, something that you could not have once you are back to work.

As losing a job is emotionally devastated, you might want to have a company to talk with. Do not bottle everything up. Reach out to the right people.

There are a lot of restrictions during this pandemic? Technology is by your fingertip; make a phone call or video call. Just pour every feeling that is bothering you.

It is nothing to be ashamed off to cry buckets in this hard situation. No one is going to make fun of you so just let everything out.

Telling the News to the Kids

Apart from having a hard time to face the job loss during Covid-19, another hard time would be when you need to tell the news to the kids.

Trying to break the news would be a dilemma. You wish you could shove everything under the rug and act like everything is normal.

Instead of breaking the news, you put on your tie and bring the briefcase around pretending you are going to work and once all of your kids have gone to school you would come back home.

But little did you know, kids as young as two years old could smell crisis in the family. Hence, trying to lie to them is definitely not the best option.

To break the news, you might want to gather everyone together. It is a tense situation. It is like telling them you are getting a divorce, but it is not and it is worse because the uncertainty in unemployment might lead to divorce and a broken family.

So what is the right way to tell them?

1. Use the right terms.

Trying to explain the economic condition to a five years old kid would bring you nothing. Hence you need to use the right terms and language according to the appropriate age.

As for little kids, don’t scare them away by saying things like ‘daddy has lost the job and he can’t provide you food anymore’. Try to use more friendly terms such as ‘my office does not need me anymore and I’ll be home most of the time to keep you company’.


You may be more transparent to older kids as they might grasp the situation better. Tell them how the pandemic has caused the company to close down and ensure them to not worry because you will find a way to be back on track as soon as possible.

Just like you, your kids will be in shock the first time they hear the news. Allow them some times to comprehend and answer every question as calm as possible.

2. Discuss the effects.

You can’t avoid discussing the effects of unemployment to them. In this case, explain thoroughly to your children how their routine might have change and everyone in the family have to be understanding and contribute during this tight situation.

For example, your children might need to stop some extra classes such as swimming and piano classes. Allow them to take part by giving them a chance to make a choice which part that they want to cut off.

Start brainstorming together and appreciate every idea contributed by them.

3. Stress on the silver lining.

Everything happens for a reason. Once your kids have grasped the idea of the current situation, always lift back the mood by stressing how you now have more free time to spend with them.

You now are able to send and pick them from school, have lunch together, and do more activities together. Well, you might need to keep some budget but that does not mean you can’t have fun.

4. Have an assurance.

It is beyond your control to stop your kids from worrying once they hear the news. However, it is important for you to give assurance to your kids.

Let them know what your plan is and if plan A does not work, what is your plan B. Your children deserve to have some securities despite the situation.

Let’s face the COVID-19 job loss: Time to bounce back!

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You are now unemployed, you have told your family about it, so what’s next?

Yes, it is time to bounce back!

Start by reviewing your finance. During this pandemic, it is slim picking to find a new job right away. List all your major commitments such as loans, mortgage, rental and so on. Try to cut down any unnecessary expenses and project your saving and see how long you could survive.

It is also a time for you to blow the dust away on your resume. Update your cover letter and your resume. Think of everything that you have learnt in your previous company that is worth to be put.

Give it the best shot. Don’t waste all of the experience that you have gathered before and if you are lucky enough, it could give you a better pay.

During this hard time, a person that is always by your side is your true sidekick. Reach all your trusted men and don’t be ashamed to ask for help.

See if they have any vacancy in their company or anyone’s that they know. At the same time, do not forget to browse every job search website that you could find.

Clicks apply whenever you see any job that suits you. Never miss any chance.

You might want to prepare yourself for an interview session. Ask your family to have a mock interview for you to be familiar with the situation.

To boost your confidence level, prepare the best outfit for the interview. Some companies prefer to have an online interview session to avoid contact during this pandemic.

Ensure to have all access for the best internet connection and if you don’t have any, try to find any cafes that could provide good internet connection.

There will be a series of rejection when finding a job. You might feel dejected but do not give up. Recall back the entire previous interview and find out a hole that you could improve for the next session.

Love Yourself

Most importantly, in order to start a new life, you must love yourself first. Though you may start to feel anxious for not getting a job yet, taking care of your health is way more important.

Be kind to yourself. Save some energy for you to be used once you got a new job. In the meantime, ensure to not skip any meal and have enough sleep for a fresh morning.

To face a job loss during the pandemic of COVID-19 is hard, but it is not impossible. You can’t be jobless forever. There must be at least a desk waiting for you at the moment. Trust in Him.