Mother, Baby & Kids

Daddy Talks: Steering Clear of the Favouritism Trap


In the vast seas of parenting, favouritism is a sly current that can sneak up on you, often unnoticed.

As a father, I’ve always asked myself–am I unwittingly showing favouritism among my children?

This question, common among parents, troubled me enough to prompt an introspective exploration.

Through this journey, I’ve developed an approach that helped me to navigate these choppy waters, and I’m eager to share it with you.

I hope my experience can guide fellow Malaysian parents, mothers, fathers, and even sons and daughters, who might grapple with similar issues.

Unmasking Favouritism: The Hidden Adversary

Before we set sail, let’s first understand our adversary.

What is favouritism?

It’s an inclination to give preferential treatment to one person or group at the expense of another.

Within the family structure, it translates into a persistent bias where one child is favoured over the others.

The effects of favouritism, often subtle, can be long-lasting and deeply impact a child’s self-esteem and overall family dynamics.

Tip #1: Charting the Course with Equal Time and Attention

To avoid favouritism, the initial and perhaps most crucial step is dedicating equal time and attention to each child.

This doesn’t involve merely splitting your time like portions of a pie but also emphasising the quality of the time spent.

Every moment, whether helping with homework, engaging in play, or simply chatting about their day, should be filled with your full presence and focus.

This conscious effort ensures that each child feels equally heard, valued, and cherished.

Tip #2: Honouring the Voyage of Individuality

In the parenting journey, we often sail alongside a fleet–our children, each on their voyage.

They each have unique strengths, weaknesses, and interests, a distinct vessel that they command.

Rather than comparing their journeys, we should honour and celebrate their individuality.

This attitude promotes self-confidence, discourages unhealthy competition, and prevents the emergence of a hierarchy based on perceived value.

Tip #3: Navigating Fairness with Consistent Rules and Consequences

The compass guiding us towards equitable parenting is consistency, particularly in enforcing rules and consequences.

If one child faces discipline for a specific action, the same discipline should apply if another child steers the same course.

This consistent enforcement establishes a fair, predictable environment and prevents one child from feeling singled out or unfairly treated.

Tip #4: The Beacon of Open Communication

Open communication is the beacon that illuminates our path towards fair parenting.

Regularly ‘dock’ at the ports of your children’s emotions, encouraging them to express their feelings and thoughts.

If the fog of favouritism starts clouding their emotional landscape, these ‘dockings’ or check-ins can help you notice and address these feelings before they become a significant issue.

Tip #5: Learning to Steer Amidst the Storms

As a father, I’ve learned that steering the parenting ship amidst the storms of favouritism is not about perfection but growth.

We’re human, and it’s okay to drift off course occasionally as long as we learn from these detours.

Recognise that if you’re veering towards favouritism, acknowledge it, and make a conscious effort to recalibrate your course.

Tip #6: Balancing Praise and Criticism

A key aspect often overlooked in our bid to avoid favouritism is the balance between praise and criticism.

It’s vital to offer each child a balanced mix of both.

Praise their achievements and improvements and constructively address areas where they need to improve.

This balance helps to ensure that no child feels overly criticised or, conversely, feels they need to excel to earn your attention constantly.

Tip #7: Understanding and Responding to Each Child’s Needs

Every child is unique, not just in their personality but also in their needs.

Some children might need more assistance or reassurance, while others might value more independence.

Responding to these individual needs is important without making other children feel less important.

Understanding and meeting each child’s needs according to their individuality is vital in avoiding favouritism.

Tip #8: Providing Equal Opportunities

Providing equal opportunities to your children, whether in terms of education, hobbies or family chores, is another crucial aspect to consider.

This doesn’t mean all children should do the same activities but have the same opportunity to explore their interests and contribute to family responsibilities.

Solving Favouritism: It’s a Continuous Voyage

Solving favouritism isn’t about reaching a destination; it’s about maintaining consistent effort and self-awareness.

Armed with these parenting tips, we can create a more equitable and loving environment for our children.

Let us remember that parenting is not about striving for perfection but about anchoring our children with equal and unconditional love.

Our goal is to love our children equally and value them for their unique selves.

As we navigate the treacherous yet rewarding seas of parenthood, let’s strive to avoid the undercurrent of favouritism because our children deserve a calm and fair voyage.

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