Mother, Baby & Kids

Deepavali Is Here but Remember To Follow SOPs!

Happy Deepavali

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The National Unity Ministry announced only fully vaccinated individuals are allowed to visit temples, cemeteries or carry out home visits during this Deepavali on November 4.

The ministry obtained approval for Deepavali-related standard operating procedures (SOPs) in a Special Committee on Pandemic Management meeting.

They also added in a statement yesterday (Oct 28) that dining-in activities at the temple and religious processions such as parades in conjunction with the celebration are still not permitted.

“Parade activities are not allowed. Deepavali bazaars are allowed but subject to the approval and monitoring of local authorities. Home visits are only allowed for fully vaccinated individuals, in line with the interstate travel approval,” said the National Unity Ministry.

Celebrating Deepavali in Phases Three and Four States

Image credit: Motherhood Story

Fully-vaccinated individuals of states in Phase Three and Four of the National Recovery Plan (NRP) are permitted to enjoy a list of activities. Such activities constitute ones in houses of worship, with the number of attendance based on the size of the premises.

Meanwhile, states in Phase Three must take note they may enjoy these festivities during limited time periods; 6 am to 2 pm and 4 pm to 10 pm. The time period for celebrations in Phase Four, on the other hand, is at the discretion of the respective premises.

However, states in both phases are not permitted to host dine-in activities at temples or houses of worship. Instead, only packed foods may be distributed.

Moreover, the ministry also emphasised that only fully-vaccinated individuals may visit cemeteries. Visitations must also be in accordance with the SOPs of the respective phases of the NRP.

National Unity Minister, Datuk Halimah Mohamed Sadique also called upon those celebrating Deepavali to adhere to the set of SOPs. This is of course in reference to the common practices of the new normal; donning face masks, practicing good hygiene, and physical distancing. wishes everyone a Safe and Happy Deepavali! Celebrations today may differ drastically from life before COVID-19, but the air of festivity remains unhindered and as palpable as ever.

Remember to follow the SOPs to best ensure the safety of you and your loved ones!

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