Mother, Baby & Kids

Enjoy Siblings Day, All Weekend

Photo Credit: xFrame

Did you know that in some parts of the world, such as the United States and Canada, siblings get together tomorrow to appreciate the special bond that only siblings understand?

Although it may not be such a big deal in Malaysia, we do love our brothers and sisters just as much, and we love to annoy them just the same.

Here are some hilarious ideas to keep you giggling, squabbling and teasing your over grown brother or sister, and some cool activities to pass down to your kids.

You never know, these bonding sessions just might become a yearly family tradition for generations to come.

The Potato Plop

This involves a very cheap pantry staple and two competitive kids. Place two empty bowls at a finishing line at the end of the room. Then mark a starting point across the room and give each child a potato.

The task is to race while carrying the potato between their knees and drop it in the bowl at the finish line. The first sibling who gets five potatoes into the bowl wins. No hands allowed!

Don’t Step On The Lava

This is a huge hit in my home, the only problem is scattered pillows all over the house.

The kids jump from couch to couch without touching the floor unless it’s a pillow. The players must keep moving and try to hit and make the other person touch the floor and melt (in lava).

Okay, maybe not the friendliest of activities, but they will be in rolling over laughing by the end of the game for sure.

Freeze Game

This is one that will allow you to enjoy some music and get them moving around for a little workout.

Turn on the music loud and then stop the music; the kids must freeze until the music starts playing again. If anyone budges before you start the music again, they get a point. The one with the most points loses.

Follow The Treasure Trail

Leave hidden messages around the house, and make them work in pairs to get to the next clue. To get them to improve their language skills, you can also write down clues in Bahasa Malaysia and other languages.

This is a guaranteed hit, especially when you host play dates and there are more teams to compete.


Photo Credit: Freepik

Blind Treasure Hunt

Similar as a treasure trail, but with a twist. This is where you learn to trust your sibling, like it or not!

Place some treats around the house and blindfold one of the siblings. Let the other one (who is not blindfolded) guide the other to the treat with words.

Balloon Walk

At some point or another, we’ve all played this and hated the person who made us lose. Stand your kids side by side and put a softball or balloon between their hips.

Tell them to walk across the room without dropping the object (and without using their hands to help hold it). If they drop it, they need to start all over again.

Who Is The Better Pilot?

Get the kids to make paper aeroplanes (this is where dads can help) and have a paper aeroplane competition to see who can throw the furthest.

Get them to experiment with different paper types, weights and designs to find out who really is the better pilot.

Photot Credit: Freepik

Einstein, I Am Not

Set up a pretend science lab. Let them get pretty dirty by mixing and stirring random items together. Experiment (pardon the pun) with various containers, spoons, and tools. You can give them coloured water, icing sugar, food colouring gels, baking soda and vinegar for even more science fun and mess.

Chase The Rainbow

Go on a rainbow toy scavenger hunt. Hunt around the house for toys or tokens of different colours. Ask them to make a giant rainbow on the floor. The first one to complete their rainbow, wins a chocolate gold coin (at the end of the rainbow, get it?).

Masak-Masak (Restaurant Style)

Get them to start their own restaurant, name and all. Prepare pretend menus and paper money. Show your kids how to set the table and order from the menu. One child can order and eat while the other one cooks and serves.

Or you can get your kids to serve you for a change, by being the customer. You can rate your dining experience and get them to improve the next time.

It’s nice to have the tables turned, isn’t it?

Old-time favourites and new ones

Photo Credit: xFrame

Kids, siblings or not, never tire of exciting games such as Monopoly, UNO, Snake & Ladder and Jenga. But there are many new options out there, depending on their age.

“What Did I Step In?” is a fun new one that you can purchase online or from some toy shops. It is a fun game for the entire family, the aim is to not have to smell “poo” that you accidentally step in.

Twister is also fun and a somewhat good stretching exercise for the young and not-so-young in your house.