Mother, Baby & Kids

#MyKidsGotTalent: Host A Family Talent Show At Home With These Fun Activities

family at home

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Due to the current COVID-19 situation, families everywhere are advised to stay at home. Though most of us are still hoping that the pandemic will end quickly so that we can enjoy our year-end holidays without worries.

However, come to think of it, it is really not that bad actually. How about looking at it as an opportunity to spend some quality time with the family?

With the ample time that we have, parents should make plans on how to spend it wisely with their kids. The idea is, it should not only be only exciting but beneficial as well.

One of such activities that you can do is by hosting a talent show for them at home.

Fun Activities For Your Family Talent Show

First and foremost, mummies and daddies have to choose a suitable date to organise this show. And then, list out your preferred activities to be incorporated into the event. As different families might have different preferences and interests, it is best to decide by taking certain factors into considerations, such as your kids’ passion, their flexibility, and your house space.

Among the activities that you can add to your list are:

1. Singing


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Kids love singing! And as we all know, learning is more interesting if the lesson is taught through a series of songs like the alphabet song. For this talent show, parents should choose the song’s genre first and then, let kids choose their favourite songs.

Your genre’s pick will help to narrow the options and help them to choose better. The song’s choice and preparation should be done within a week prior to the event. This will give them ample time to practise and polish up their singing skills for the show.

2. Poetry Recitals

Some kids are just shy and are not really into singing. If that is so, you can opt for a poetry recital. Just like singing, parents should choose the poem’s form and style, such as haiku and free style. Let them choose or better, write their own poems and then, practice reciting them.

3. Dancing

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Dancing is a great way to express oneself. Some people may look pretty reserved; those who love to keep to themselves. But when they dance, they turn into a different person. And this goes the same for kids.

Either imitating the dance moves from music videos or coming up with the choreography themselves, let your kids showcase their inner talents! You can even help in assembling suitable dance costumes for them.

4. Matching Puzzles

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How about spicing things up with a little challenge? A mini challenge that requires focus and a bit of thinking can be fun as well. Take for example, a matching puzzle activity.

Parents can assemble teams or make it an individual activity. Get your kids to practise their skills on a few puzzles beforehand and start the show by keeping track of the time. Test out your kids’ puzzle-matching skills within a stipulated time.

5. Handicrafts

Apart from that, how about tapping into your kids’ talent of handcrafting? Watching them make decorative objects is truly quite fascinating.

For this activity, mummies and daddies should encourage the kids to demonstrate their arts and crafts skills from scratch during the show. It is fun, refreshing, and beneficial as well as it can enhance their motor skills and creativity.

6. Light Cooking

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People tend to think that cooking is not suitable for kids. However, this may not be the case entirely. Instead of keeping them away from the kitchen, how about teaching them to cook in stages?

It is recommended that parents get involved in the selections of food preparation activities that do not require extraordinary efforts and are age-appropriate.

Who knows you just might have a little MasterChef in the house, right?

7. Unique Talents

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You might be surprised to know that your little one might be the first in the family to have a knack for juggling or a penchant for a musical instrument, or he might have a unique ability to make people laugh.

Talent can appear in any form, but may need a little encouragement in order to shine. But remember, parents… A talent is only worth pursuing if it can also be enjoyed.

Photo credit: istockphoto

Apart from spending time and creating memories together, your family talent show can also help in polishing up their hidden skills and bringing out the new ones.

It would be great if mummies and daddies are performing in the talent show as well. Do exchange roles and let everyone have a turn in being the judge. Have fun and do not forget to take pictures to capture the moments!

Year-end holidays are great in so many ways, especially when you have fun family activities to fill up your time. For more fun-filled holiday ideas right within your home, visit our Cuti-Cuti Family articles here!