Mother, Baby & Kids

Five Unexpected Items that are (Actually) Great to be Included in Your Baby Foods

5 unexpected item to be include in baby foods

Image credit: YoungParents

Baby foods is very important when it comes to feeding our little ones, it’s only natural to want the best for them.

For a lot of parents (especially first time mummies and daddies), this sometimes means err-ing on the side of caution over what goes into their meals.

There are plenty of unexpected foods that you can start introducing into your baby’s diet from a relatively young age.

It will surely be delicious and easily worked into a variety of meals that your baby will love.

See our list of five foods for the little ones below and for those of you who already have your hands full but want to save a little extra on any of the food items listed.


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Herbs and Spices

Whoever said baby food has to be bland?

Adding the lightest dash of herbs and spices is a great way to boost your baby’s antioxidant intake.

As well as broaden their palate to aid the eventual transition into solids.

A good way to start is with all-time classic combinations such as steamed carrots with a sprinkle of cumin, a pinch of cinnamon in cereal or apple puree, garlic with steamed fish or a little turmeric with mashed cauliflower.

While most are fair game, perhaps hold up on hot spices until your miniature Gordon Ramsay’s palate is less sensitive.

Image credit: MedicalNewsToday

Fatty Baby Foods 

Leave the clean eating to the new-age millennials and don’t shy away from incorporating some fat into your baby’s diet.

Good, unsaturated fats aid in the development of the brain and nervous system.

It also contribute towards helping the body better absorb fat-soluble vitamins.

Plus they make food taste better and we’re all about doing what we can to encourage healthy appetites.

Avocados, whole milk cheeses, extra virgin olive oil and even butter are all great candidates.

You can start including them into diets of babies as young as 6 months old.

Image credit: ProjectMealPlan


Live cultures typically contained in yogurt help to break down lactose and protein making it easy for babies to digest.

It also helps to support the immune system to build a natural defense against pesky airborne viruses.

Aside from that, yogurt is a good source of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin B12.

Stick to full-fat, plain yogurt and avoid flavoured versions as they tend to come packed with sugar.

To counter the tartness of plain yogurt, swirl it with equal amounts of fruit such as mashed bananas or a little applesauce.

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Include Meat in Baby Foods

Reports state that babies go through their natural store of iron between the ages of four to six months.

So in order to replenish it and ensure that their iron levels are at a healthy level, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended meat as the purest form of high-quality iron, zinc and protein.

Poultry, red meat and fish all contain a form of iron that is easier absorbed compared to veggies.

They can be easily blended or thinned out with broth and combined with veggie purees for something a little more flavourful.

Image Credit: HarvardHealthy

Nut Butters

Vitamin E, Iron, manganese are just some of the beneficial minerals that can be found in nuts.

Almonds and peanuts makes smooth nut butters a fantastically nutritious treat for babies as young as six months of age.

Nut butter is loaded with healthy fats, which makes them great at promoting satiety.

As with all allergenic foods, remember to talk to your pediatrician or allergist before introducing them into your baby’s diet.

If the result was positive, there are plenty of ways to include them into meals.

Try mixing a tiny amount with cereal or spreading a thin layer on sliced bananas or small bites of apple.

READ: More Food that Led Weaning.

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