Mother, Baby & Kids

Giving Your Child the Gift of Language

One of the great things about Malaysia is its multilingual society. Most Malaysians grow up learning at least two languages, and this is something not to be taken for granted. The benefits of children learning new languages at an early age are more than just the occasional usefulness when travelling abroad. It could have a huge impact on their development, and would be a useful tool for them to have throughout their life.

Learning a new language will remove barriers that your child may face. In the future, they have the flexibility of choosing where they would like to work, rather than for instance be limited to working in only English-speaking countries. In addition, being multilingual will open up job opportunities for your child as many roles require multilingual talent. Even if it isn’t a requirement, school admission officers and employers would certainly look upon having the ability to speak multiple languages favourably. Plus, it looks impressive on a CV!

It is also proven that kids who have regular exposure to a second language find it far easier to learn compared to when they are adults. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly, young children are ‘hard-wired’ to pick up a language during their first few years. They learn their second language subconsciously, as opposed to adults who consciously study for it. In addition, young children are not required to learn complex words or sentence structures that adults use, thus they have less to learn initially. They are also less concerned when it comes to making mistakes, thus they are more resilient to being corrected as opposed to adults, who might have been negatively affected by the critique.


Psychological studies have revealed that learning a new language improves your cognitive process. When your child is learning a new language, their brains are challenged to recognise and understand, boosting their ability to find meaning in different areas as well. Teaching your child a new language can help them become more social. It helps build confidence knowing that they are able to converse with many more people.

Unlocking barriers, plenty of practical benefits, improving their communication skills, employability and overall development, there are a vast number of advantages your child is open to gain. Why not let them learn earlier? If you are interested in finding some language teachers, visit the ServisHero website download the app to make a request. You will receive several quotes from language teachers for you to compare and hire.