Mother, Baby & Kids

Scared of Losing Your Child in a Mall? Try These Simple Tips


credit: Multiple Mayhem Mamma

As parents, losing your child in crowded places especially in a mall is a nightmare. But, what precaution do we take to avoid all of that unnecessary incident to happen? Do we have to hold our child’s hand all the time and limit their adventure? If we are planning to do so, yes it can help from losing your child in the midst of the crowd, but it will not be the best solution.

Want to know how to let your child be free and enjoy their adventure without worrying about losing them in the middle of the crowd? Try this tip out!

Tie a balloon to your child’s hair band so that you can prevent losing your child in public.


credit: The Independent

This tip was taken from Singaporean dad that shared this interesting tips on his Facebook. It shared an interesting parenting tip for parents with wandering young tots: tie a balloon to your child’s hair band so that you can prevent losing your child in public. They tried it on their daughter, Marissa, and it works pretty well! The balloon served its purpose and was “one way to prevent them from getting lost in the crowd”, said Marissa’s parents.

The Real Struggle When Taking the Kids Out


Children have way more energy compared to us, and monitoring their every action seems impossible. Our little ones scoot off to GOD KNOWS WHERE when we are talking to someone only for a minute and when we finally realise that they are nowhere in sight, oh the horror!

If this happens, our first reaction will be screaming out for them and be in a constant state of anxiety, but what if there are better ways to deal with this situation?

You can use the balloon trick, and this may sound clever, but it might not be safe, especially if your child gets entangled somewhere. Or if your child has short hair, where are you going to tie the balloon?

So, let’s take a look at some tips to help keep your little ones safe.

credit: Today Show

Here are some new tips to help you if you are planning to bring your kids to the mall:

  • Take a picture of your kid before leaving the house. If anything happens, it’d be easier to describe them, especially when you’re caught in a state of frenzy.
  • Teach them to memorize your home address, phone number, their full names and your name etc. Or at least, have the information somewhere on them.
  • Put an ID band or bracelet on them. (You can slip in a piece of paper with your contact information.)
  • Practice with them on how to describe you.
  • Use quick stick safety tattoos where you can write their names on.
  • Let your child know that when they find themselves lost, they should stay where they are (preferably somewhere not overly crowded or vacant).
  • Never turn your backs on them (literally!). They can be gone in an instant.
  • Set up a plan in case they go missing and practice the “plan” that both of you agree on in the event your child gets lost.
  • Don’t ask strangers to keep an eye on your child for you.
  • Teach them who they can go to to ask for help, e.g. police officers/store clerks with name tags etc. And instruct them on what to say.
  • Teach them to pay attention to their surroundings.
  • Show them where the customer service or information counter is in a mall. Tell them never to leave the doors of the mall.

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