Mother, Baby & Kids

How to Help Kids Bond with Their Grandparents

Grandparents and grandchildren hanging out

Relationships between your parents and your children are unquestionably unique. If nurtured right, grandparents can be your child’s friend, confidante, mentor, or even playmates.

You know how common it is for elderlies to feel left out or unenthusiastic about activities that they used to enjoy. They may even feel lonely and depressed because of all the changes that are taking place in their lives. That is where your children can play an important role.

When it comes to developing close relationships between grandparents and grandchildren, there are numerous mutual benefits.

For the grandchildren: According to the findings of a study by The University of Oxford, “more than 1,500 children showed that those with a high level of grandparental involvement had fewer emotional and behavioural problems”. This demonstrates that grandparents’ involvement in the lives of their grandchildren promotes well-being and reduces emotional and behavioural issues.

As for the grandparents: A study conducted by The North American Menopause Society (NAMS) on 186 Australian women aged 57 to 68 observed that grandmothers who cared for grandchildren once a week had greater mental sharpness.

Further study shows that a strong bond between grandparents and grandchildren frequently makes grandparents feel needed and appreciated. They now have a reason to get out of bed in the morning and look forward to the activities centred on their grandchildren.

It is crucial to get a head start in encouraging bonding between your kids and their grandparents so they can get along well. But it is not an easy task, especially if your parents live far away.

Fret not, here are some ideas for how to help your children bond with their grandparents.

Consistent Interactions with Grandparents

As it is in many other relationships, it is important to interact frequently to build a good bond between different parties. You can start by explaining to your children the roles that your parents play in their lives. Also, talk about the importance of cherishing their grandparents.

Include your parents whenever you are celebrating your child’s accomplishments and fill them in on what makes your child feel sad. Make arrangements for the grandparents to be present at important moments. For faraway granddads and grandmas, let the kids know that they’re just a phone call (or a video call) away.

Find a Balance

Yes, you must allow your child to interact with your parents at all times. But you also want to make sure that your parents don’t feel overwhelmed or burdened by it. The same is true for your children; you don’t want them to feel compelled to meet up with and please their grandparents.

Communicate with your children and parents about what they want to do and what they don’t feel comfortable with. Talk about the frequency of these get-togethers to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

Encourage Story-sharing

You know how excited kids can be when they come home from school and tell you what a wonderful day they had, don’t you? That is something your children can also share with their grandparents whenever they get in touch. It will not only make your child feel at ease in the presence of your parents, but it will also foster trust between them.

Travel with Grandparents

Taking their grandchildren on vacation is a common practise among many (younger and healthier) grandparents. Trips, whether an independent adventure or a pre-planned tour offered by various companies, can provide truly unique bonding opportunities. Memories created during trips are usually cherished forever.

This will not only improve your relationships with your parents and children, but you will also reap other benefits! You can relax and use this time to relinquish the romance between you and your spouse while your children are away for some time and cared for by people you trust.

Projects are Effective

Just like how projects are known to help strengthen bonds between colleagues, they can also help strengthen bonds between grandparents and their grandkids. Whenever your parents come to visit you or you visit them, try to plan a simple project in which everyone can partake.

You could suggest that your mother share and demonstrate how to make her favourite recipe with the kids assisting in the kitchen. Or grandpa to lend a hand in planting your children’s first tree. You could also use the opportunity to let the grandparents assist your children with their school project

However, keep in mind that these activities should be enjoyable and relaxing and not stressful to truly help them bond. For grandparents who live further away, one of the things you can do is to use Zoom calls to include them in a brainstorming session.

Establish New Traditions

Traditions are what give family members a sense of belonging and create those special moments that will be remembered all year. Some are more common, such as seasonal traditions where you gather together during the holidays for some fun baking time. Grandma and grandpa can both help out in the kitchen with the kids.

You can also start a new tradition that doesn’t have a set time. Go on a monthly fun picnic at any park, ice cream or game night every two weeks, or a movie at the cinema once in a while. Whatever it is, you are creating a positive memory for your children to appreciate and remember your parents’ presence for the rest of their lives.

Create Precious Grandparents-Grandchildren Bonds

It might seem simple or taken for granted, but grandparents’ presence in your children’s lives is extremely important and critical. Not only for their development but also for their emotional intelligence. The most important thing is that you and your parents work together for the sake of your children’s wellbeing.

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