Mother, Baby & Kids

How To Immerse in the English Language Without Leaving Your Home 

a girl happily learning online at home

What is Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), why is it effective and how do Novakid’s online English platform teachers use this method? 

Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is an approach for learning a foreign language. All subjects in the school are taught in a foreign language, which is usually English. As the name implies, this method has two goals: Students build a knowledge base in a specific subject (e.g., Geography, History, Biology) while also improving their English language skills. 

This approach originated and actively developed in Europe in response to ineffective English learning methods that existed in the 1980s and 1990s, which failed to teach English comprehensively enough to enable students to communicate in their daily lives. 

Why CLIL Is Effective 

CLIL is currently used in the majority of general education schools in Europe, and it is preferred by both children and parents. It has been proven to be a method of learning English that can be trusted and respected by teachers. 

According to researchers Wolff1 and Dalton-Puffer2, this approach is very effective due to the following key factors:  

  • First, to delve into the real foreign language environment where English is not the primary goal, but rather the method of education; 
  • Second, the use of native materials aids in the learning of linguistic information; 
  • Third, teachers who already speak English enable significant improvement of conversational skills and competence in conveying meaning or messages in English. 

Research shows that students who learn English through the CLIL technique are more motivated and capable of dealing with linguistic and academic issues—they score better in other school subjects.

How is CLIL used in Novakid?

The CLIL method is used as the primary learning tool in the Time2Talk and Virtual Explorer courses, as well as in some General English courses, on Novakid’s online English platform. Visit our website to learn more about the Novakid programme.  

Lessons developed using this approach allows students to participate in discussions on the most interesting and relevant topics, such as world history, ecological issues, and human mysteries, as well as learn about past scholars and today’s smart leaders. 

How is the discussion carried out? In English, of course! Novakid teachers comprises of native speakers and a specially developed online platform, which creates all of the necessary conditions for ‘deepening’ the topic fully with active interactions whilst fully learning. 

‘What’s special about the use of Content Language and Integrated Learning methods in Novakid is that it is interactive and full of illustrations. Each lesson contains words and a set of lexical constructions that students should use during a 3D tour or discussion with their teacher. The interactive platform and VR technology make this educational process exciting and fun,’ said Amy Krolevetskaya, Head of the Novakid Education Program. 

Do you want your child to learn English while also exploring the world through said language? Register for experimental learning on Novakid’s official website: today!


  1. CLIL: Bridging the gap between school and working life. In: Marsh, D, Wolff, D (eds) Diverse Contexts – Converging Goals: CLIL in Europe. 2007, Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, ms.15–25 
  2. Discourse in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) Classrooms. 2007, Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company. 

This article is provided by the Novakid ESL platform. 

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