Mother, Baby & Kids

Mothers, Is It Necessary to Remove Your Kids’ Tonsils?

tonsils surgery

Mothers, do you know what is tonsillitis? Yup, it’s that inflammation of the tonsils, IF you frequently suffer from a sore throat. It can be caused by a bacterial or viral infection.

Please be aware that tonsillitis happens in children as well. You need to give extra care to your children if they start to suffer from a sore throat because it can be so severe as to cause high fever and pain on swallowing.

Tonsillitis is a common surgery performed on children in the United States.


The parents in the US often opt to remove their child’s tonsils since they are still a kid. This is because they want to avoid persistent throat pain and ear infections in the long run. According to the American Academy of Otolaryngology, the removal of tonsils (tonsillectomy) is the second most common surgery performed on children under the age of 15.

So do you think you should allow your kids to do such surgery as well? Wait! Do not jump into conclusion just yet. Please read until the end and let yourself indulge in this new information.

Tonsillectomy is NOT something of a cure-all

You heard that right. According to a research led by Dr. Sean Byers at the University of Melbourne, children who underwent tonsillectomy are likely to suffer from allergic or infectious upper respiratory tracts diseases such as asthma, influenza, and pneumonia.

Despite being considered as something of a cure-all surgery, it only provides short-term improvements in the children’s health.

So, when is the proper time to remove your kids’ tonsils?

The experts advised that the surgery should be considered ONLY if your child suffers from the following:

  • Have had seven infections (such as tonsillitis or strep) in a year.
  • Have had five infections a year for two years in a row.
  • Have had three infections a year for three years in a row

To ease all mothers’ worries out there, Tonsillectomy is an elective surgery. It is a valid operation, but not one to be taken lightly. You can take your time to think about it and wait if you’re not sure.

No matter what is the condition of your children, if it’s severe, please do not simply make any decisions without consulting the doctors.

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