Mother, Baby & Kids

The KonMari Method Of Tidying Up With Your Children To Kick Start Your New Year!

As working parents, what is that one frustration that we constantly suffer at home? It is undeniably the unorganised and messy household items and children’s toys scattering around the house.

Instead of decluttering the whole household all by yourself, it is time to clean and tidy up things at home with your children.

Besides teaching them about household responsibilities, our children will learn about some effective ways to organising their own belongings.

On top of that, they will also learn to be grateful for what they have as they go through their belongings one by one.

Lastly, they will realise the value of less is more. The more you have, the more time and energy you need to give to your belongings. And it is tiring when you have too much!

The next frustration that we may face with tidying up is that messiness comes back too soon after we have spent a tremendous amount of time on organising.

Worry not; you can avoid this frustration with the KonMari method!

Read on to find out about the KonMari method – a method created by Marie Kondo, a Japanese cleaning consultant and my real-life experience with this method.

My Experience With The KonMari Method


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I was first introduced to the KonMari method through Marie Kondo’s book, ‘The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing’.

One of the main reasons I started reading the book was that I wished to not only organise my belongings but also to declutter my life.

Did I succeed in what I wished for after finished reading the book and applying the KonMari method? You bet it!

I was able to give my belongings and rooms a fresher look and I was much more clearer about what I want in life.

How does the method work its magic into your household and personal lives? It lies in its goal which is to have a house full of only items that spark joy.

Follow the four steps listed below to transform your household with the KonMari method.

While you are at it, try out these 10 ways to have fun with your kids at home to spark more joy!

4 Steps to Tidy Up With Children Using the KonMari Method

#1: Finish discarding first

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One of the reasons why we can’t keep our household in order is that we simply reorganise, rearrange or move our household items into different places. This is not how the process of tidying up works.

According to the KonMari method, you must first decide on what to get rid of. You can think about where to put those items after you have finished getting rid of everything you do not need.

You must first have contact with every item by touching and feeling them. If the item still sparks joy and excitement in you, you may keep the item. If not, it is time for you to get rid of the item.

During the process of getting rid of your and your children’s belongings, you must learn and educate your children to sincerely thank each item for serving its purpose.

By simply saying ‘thank you’ to each item that you wish to discard, you will be able to free yourself from feeling guilty. 

Can you guess how much had I got rid of by using the KonMari method? Here’s the answer: 5 bags of old clothes and 15 bags of old books and waste papers!

#2: Tidy by category, not location

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Another mistake that we make is that we tidy up our house by rooms. With this, we are not aware of the amount of items that we own within the same category. This is because we would most likely store our items under the same category in different places in our house.

So, the best way would be to collect and gather everything that falls within the same category in one place. You will then be able to have an accurate grasp on how much you have.

As you might be wondering about which category to start off with, here’s the order recommended by the KonMari method:

  1. clothes
  2. books
  3. papers
  4. komono (miscellaneous items)
  5. momentos (sentimental items)

Here’s what I found the most life-changing about tidying up clothes with the KonMari method: we should fold our clothes to get them into the shape of a small rectangle.

The clothes would be able to stand on their own and we can stand our clothes upright according to their colours.

After applying this folding and organising method, I no longer stack my clothes in piles and I can easily view and take any clothes that I wish to wear daily.

#3: Ask yourself if it sparks joy

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You need to ask this question whenever you are deciding whether to keep or to discard your belongings,

Does this spark joy?

Take every belonging in your hand while you ask this question. If you feel a thrill of joy when you touch it, you may keep it.

You can dispose all the items that do not provide an instant sense of pleasure. It may be difficult when you first start to decide, but you will eventually make your decisions faster and easier as the process continues.

How about items that are still in good shape? Instead of thinking yourself as being wasteful, you can learn to be grateful by acknowledging their contribution and let them go with some appreciation.

We need to discard items that have outlived their purpose to truly cherish those that are important to us now.

Worry not, you can donate items that are in good shape to spark joy in others’ lives.

#4: Commit yourself to tidying up

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To ensure that you tidy your space completely, you must first take the time and effort to think about why you wish to tidy it in the first place.

You can first imagine and picture what it would be like to live in a clutter-free space. If you are not too sure about how it should be like, you can refer to any interior decorating magazines to visualise your ideal lifestyle.

After all, the main reason behind discarding and keeping things is to be happy and contented with our lives.

For younger children, you can follow some other effective tips for tidying with children by Marie Kondo such as making tidying a playful process.

The KonMari Method Works More Than Organising

By putting your house in order and deciding what you really want in your life, you will have more confidence in decision-making.

Why? It is because you have made a lot of decisions when you deal with each belonging that you possess. You will also learn to be more grateful to be surrounded by the people and things you love and less anxious about letting go of your past.

Most importantly, you will learn that letting go is even more crucial than adding. Once you learn to select and keep belongings that you really love, you will feel that you have everything you need. Say no more to the anxiety of lacking!

Wait no more to tidy up your belongings and household with your children; they need to learn to make a decision and appreciate what they have in their lives.