Mother, Baby & Kids

Let’s Make Fun And Beautiful Family Goal Boards Together with Your Kids!

thoughtful girl

Image Credit: Freepik

In all my adult life, I have never heard of goal boards (also known as vision boards or dream boards) until 11 years ago. In the course of my work at that time, I was taught to create one. I’ve been making one every year since. Two years ago, I taught my kids to make theirs, too. 

A goal board is simply what its name suggests – putting up your goals on a board. Instead of putting them in words, this board consists mainly of pictures. It’s a fun process, and at the end of it, the board holds a lot of meaning for its creator.

Let me share why you and your kids should make these boards, and how to make them.

Three Reasons Why You Should Make A Goal Board

1. Goals and Dreams Are More Likely To Be Achieved When Given Constant Attention


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As said by Jack Canfield (co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series):-

Your brain will work tirelessly to achieve the statements you give your subconscious mind. And when those statements are the affirmations and images of your goals, you are destined to achieve them!

It sounds so simple, but it really works! After years of making and using my goal boards, I can vouch for this. 

Before we even begin making our goal board, we need to know exactly what we want. This first step of sorting through ourselves to define clearly and specifically what we want is in itself an important milestone. We can’t achieve something that’s vague. Neither can we achieve anything if we don’t know what we want.

Our subconscious mind is a powerful thing and it helps us achieve our goals if we have a clear picture of what it is. Seeing our goals in pictures helps to clarify things for our subconscious mind. This is why the board should have more pictures than words.

2. A Constant Reminder and Inspiration To Work Towards What You Want

Once we have made the boards, they are meant to be used by way of looking at it every day. It is to be placed somewhere in the home where we are bound to see it. Don’t hide it away!

The board is our constant reminder through our busy days that we have dreams and goals that we want to achieve. Many people put these goals at the back of their minds in order to get on with their demanding life schedules.

Years go by and these goals are often forgotten and never achieved. Don’t leave your goals lukewarm. If it’s something important to you, it’s a good idea to always have a visual reminder.

Besides, the board you’ve created becomes an inspiration for you to work towards your goals. Seeing the pictures that depict what you want will invoke a sense of excitement and motivation to go for it.

3. A Sense of Purpose in Life Leads To a Healthier You

Image Credit: Freepik

A team of researchers from Harvard School of Public Health did a study and found that:-

…if you feel you have a higher sense of purpose in life — defined as having meaning, a sense of direction and goals — you are more likely to remain healthy and physically strong as you grow older.

Have you sometimes woken up and wonder what your purpose is in life, other than going to work and paying the bills? Each of us, including children, have a need for a purposeful life. It makes life more meaningful, interesting and gives us something to look forward to.

Going to work for adults and school for children is something we have to do. It may not be something we like to do. Life is more invigorating if we set aside time to pursue something that we like. Put these things on the goal board and we will find our way to achieve them. It gives us drive.

How To Make Your Goal Board

1. Get a Piece of Board

Image Credit: Freepik

You need a hard board as a base to put your pictures on. Pick what you deem as suitable and the bigger it is, the better. A bigger board gives you lots of space to creatively design it as you wish. Stationery sections at bookstores would have plenty of choices.

2. Find Suitable Pictures

Once you have your goals in mind, start looking for pictures that match your goals. It is important that you use pictures that you can relate to; that speak to you about your goals.

Image Credit: pinterest

Years ago I used to subscribe to a few lifestyle magazines, so I used them to find pictures that I could cut out. Nowadays, there’s the convenience of the internet that offers a huge variety of images online.

Find pictures that attract you so that you will enjoy looking at them every day. Print them out in colour.

If you can draw and paint, it’s even better to have your own artwork put on your board. So go ahead and have fun with the artist in you. When putting the pictures on the board, there are no hard and fast rules. It’s all up to individual creativity.

3. Make Your Board Attractive

The purpose of your board is to be looked at daily, to infuse you with the motivation to work towards your goals. It helps that you make your board as attractive as you can. Add on decorations if it helps add on the inspiration.

Just bear in mind not to overcrowd the board. You want the important goals to be visible when you glance through. So work on your board to suit what is pleasant to your eyes. Check out other people’s boards on Pinterest to generate ideas for yours.

4. Make Your Boards Together

Make this one of the fun family activities that you can do together. It’s also a precious bonding time, each family member learning one another’s dreams and goals. It validates the child’s goals when you are supportive and helpful in their quest of setting up their goal boards.

You can make individual boards and combined family boards, or parent and child boards. A shared board brings the family closer together and encourages everyone to work together on a common goal.

Enjoy Your Beautiful Goal Boards Together!

Be proud of your goal board. If there comes a time when you feel a need to make some changes to it, go ahead to make it relevant and comfortable to look at.

Spend some moments everyday to admire it, looking at each of the pictures you have selected. While doing so, feel the feelings of your dreams and goals being achieved.

Live it as though you have already done it. This helps your subconscious mind to spur you on and make things happen.

Most importantly, enjoy your boards together. Check in on each other on how everyone is coping and progressing with their goals. Offer support, encouragement, and love. A family that does things together, stays together.