Mother, Baby & Kids

Managing A Demanding Child


Some kids can be so bossy and entitled, I’m sure we’ve all come across children like this. Is your child also like this? If so, what is the cause of this and how can you manage the problem? Here are some tips on managing a demanding child.


How It Started

The demanding behaviour may have been developed because some parents felt neglected as a child. Due to that, they may attempt to make up to their own children by giving them everything they want. By doing this, parents think that they’re being the perfect parents without realising how bad they are spoiling their child.

In other cases, children can turn out like this when their parents are going through a divorce or are already divorced. The parent may feel sorry for the child and does the same thing, try making up by giving in to every single request the child makes. This will only cause the child to grow more and more materialistic.

This can also happen when some parents are too committed to their work and have no time for their children. The only thing they can offer the little ones is by getting them everything they want. Let’s just say that the way a child can grow to feel entitled is only when their parents allow it to happen. Things like this rarely happen with children who have strict parents.

How to Fix It

  • Teach them to ask the polite way

It can really anger you when your child speaks to you in a rude manner, demanding for something. Don’t be afraid to correct them right away by letting them know how they should phrase their sentences if they want something from someone.

  • Tell them that they can’t always get their way

It would be good to say “no” to them when they are being demanding in an unpleasant manner. Kids need to understand that they can ask for what they want but they won’t always get what they ask for. When you reject them, it is important to let them know why they have been denied.

  • Set Good Example

Talk to your child the way you want them to talk to you. If you want them to say “please” and “thank you”, you’ll have to do it first. Just like how you would want them to be more polite, teach them by speaking to them politely instead of ordering them to do so or they will learn that from you.

  • Compliment Good Behaviour

Focus on the positive as well, it is effective to praise the child when they act appropriately. Everyone loves hearing good things, this may encourage children to keep doing it in order to get your approval.

Such behaviour can be corrected as long as you put effort into trying to correct it. Sometimes what your children want the most from you is just your love and attention.

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