Mother, Baby & Kids

Try Boosting Your Child’s Memory With These Fun Activities

boost memory

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As learning methods are changing because of the pandemic, your kids’ abilities might not be as on point. Their memory might get a little bit rusty at times, from the continuous start and stop of schooling days.

Is there anything parents can do to help kids sharpen their memory?

Five Memory Boosting Exercises 

There are so many activities and exercises which can boost one’s memory. Without spending much, they are totally doable and more importantly, enjoyable.

Let’s try a few of these exercises:

#1. Jigsaw Puzzles


Photo Credit: istockphoto

Jigsaw puzzles have always been one of the top choices, hasn’t it? It suits all ages as it comes with different levels of difficulty.

Jigsaw puzzles train you to be more focused and boost your memory. You can choose to play it virtually or you can buy the tangible ones. Honestly, the tangible ones are better as it helps to improve fine motor skill.

Either get them to do it at their own pace or within a stipulated period, let them rearrange and match the puzzle pieces together.

In the process of completing the whole picture, they will have to keep tapping back into their memory to recall the image on the box.

#2. Playing Word Games

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There are a variety of word games out there such as scrabble and crosswords. But if you want one which is free, then “Last Letter Game” would be a perfect choice!

By simple definition, “Last Letter Game” is a game where a new word has to be created with its first letter being the same as the last letter of the previous word.

Usually, it is played by three or four people. But it is just as fun played by two people.

To make it more interesting and engaging, play it together with all of your family members. Just gather anywhere in the house and make sure everyone has their turn.

Then play the game by starting with the first word. In order to be fair to all, you must keep the vocabulary level at the youngest person’s capability.

This game will not only help improve memory but can also benefit by introducing new words.

#3. Singing and Humming

Photo credit: Freepik

Some people can learn and remember things better with rhythm.

Have you ever done something while listening to a song on loop for quite some time and then later, when you listen to that song out of nowhere, your mind recalls the exact thing you were doing at that moment?

This is because our minds have a tendency to store and retrieve memories better with rhythm.

In fact, according to, rhythm has the ability to control brain waves which can boost one’s memory. It is no wonder that kids remember kids’ songs very well, isn’t it?

Apart from improving their memory, listening to songs can be relaxing and fun too. You can try by helping them add rhythm to their lessons and perhaps, they will grasp it better.

Even by listening or creating songs, which are not related to learning, their brain can be stimulated.

#4. Playing Card Games

Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons

Card games too, come with a variety of memory-boosting exercises, such as Happy Family, Old Maid, Snap and Donkey.

Playing Old Maid card game is pretty easy; even a young child can enjoy it. The ideal number of players for this game is four persons.

And the rule is simple; the cards are distributed with an equal number to each player with their pictures facing down.

Those cards have to be kept hidden from other players. If you have a matching card, you can put it down (when it is your turn, of course) with the pictures facing up.

If you have no card left with you, then you are the winner. And the loser is the player who is left with the card that has an Old Maid’s picture on it. Easy and enjoyable, it is a must-try!

#5. Playing Charades

Photo credit: xFrame

Another exercise that can boost memory is playing charades.

Charades has always been an interactive game that suits all ages, isn’t it? It can strengthen teamwork, friendship and create family bonding, as it is a highly engaging game.

This game encourages you to visualise, stimulates your memory and helps you to be expressive. It can be both fun and educational.

If you want to make it competitive, you can set up two groups of people and if not, everyone can take their own turn while having fun guessing.

Do mind the difficulty level as the goal is not to just boost memory but to have fun as well.

These memory boosting exercises are actually necessary and should be done consistently. With all the benefits they bring, we should at least steal some time in a week to practise them with our family. It will be well worth it!