Mother, Baby & Kids

8 Money Saving Hacks for Aidilfitri


Aidilfitri, also known as Hari Raya, is a joyous celebration. It marks the end of Ramadan for Muslims all over the world.

However, with the festive season comes the pressure to spend money on new clothes, food and even things like duit raya.

This can be a burden for those on a tight budget. Fortunately, there are several ways to save money during Aidilfitri without sacrificing the festive spirit. In this article, we will explore eight smart money-saving hacks for Malaysians during Aidilfitri.

From shopping at your local wet market, to making your own cookies, learn how to save during this festive season.

8 Ways to Save Money This Aidilfitri

Stick to a Budget

One of the best ways to save money during Aidilfitri is to stick to a budget.

Make a list of all the things you need to buy and how much you can afford to spend. Then, prioritise your purchases based on your budget.

Sticking to a budget can help you avoid overspending and unnecessary expenses. If you’re not familiar with budgets here’s a simple way to do it:

  • Get a pen and paper (or your smartphone)
  • List all essential payments for the month (rent, utilities, phone bill, Wi-Fi, normal groceries, school fees, lunch money, etc.) and total them
  • Subtract the amount from your salary (this is your budget)
  • Make a list of all the things you will need to buy for Eid celebrations (including how much you’re willing to give in terms of ‘duit raya’, if any).
  • Find the prices for each item in your grocery list and calculate the total amount plus taxes
  • Take the leftover amount from your salary and compare it with the total amount of your grocery list
  • If your grocery list is more expensive than your budget, cut down items or look for alternative brands

Plan Your Shopping Ahead of Time

This may sound like a no-brainer. But if you’ve ever gone out on Raya eve for any occasion, you’ll know that many Malaysians procrastinate their Raya shopping till the very last minute.

This is usually due to insane price cuts and clearance sales that only happen at this time.

But while this can save you a lot of money, it’s not exactly a stress-free affair.

So if you’d rather not have to elbow your way through a crowd, plan your shopping ahead of time.

This still allows you to compare prices and take advantage of sales and discounts.

Make a list of all the things you need for Aidilfitri, such as clothes, gifts, and food. Then start looking for deals and discounts.

DIY Decorations

DIY decorations are not only cost-effective, but they can also be more personal and meaningful. Instead of buying expensive decorations, consider making them yourself.

This can be a fun and creative way to involve your family in the Aidilfitri preparations while also saving money.

For example, you can make some ketupat decorations using plastic ribbons and hang them above your doorway.

Or if you need to make some oil lamps for Malam Tujuh Likur, you can make your very own using very simple household items!

They can also be a fun hands-on activity to keep the kids busy.

Make Your Own Traditional Delicacies

Aidilfitri is a time to indulge in traditional delicacies such as ketupat, lemang, and rendang. While many people make these dishes at home, others also order them online or buy them from stores.

This can not only save you money, but also allow you to personalise the flavours and quality of the dishes.

Moreover, it can also be a fun and creative way to involve your family in the Aidilfitri preparations.

This is especially true when it comes to making Raya kuih or cookies. Just like the previous suggestion, this can be a great fun family activity for the whole family.

Buy Clothes During Off-Season

Buying clothes during off-season can be an effective way to save money.

Retailers tend to offer sales and discounts during off-seasons, making it a great opportunity to buy clothes for the next Aidilfitri.

Moreover, buying clothes during off-season can also help you avoid the last-minute rush and stress.

If you’re reading this during Ramadan, there’s still plenty of time to look for discount prices.

Limit Duit Raya

Giving duit raya is a common tradition during Aidilfitri, not just for Malaysians.

Various Muslim communities across the globe practice the custom of gifting paper money to the younger generation.

But for some, it can also be a significant expense.

To save money this Raya, consider limiting duit raya to close family members and friends only.

You may consider reserving the smaller notes for your close nieces and nephews. And larger amounts for your own children.

Spend Aidilfitri On a Dime

By following these eight money-saving hacks, Malaysians can enjoy the festive season of Aidilfitri without breaking the bank.

Whether it is planning ahead, shopping at Pasar Ramadan, making your own traditional delicacies, DIY decorations, sticking to a budget, buying clothes during off-season, or limiting duit raya, there are many ways to save money.

These hacks not only help Malaysians save money but also allow them to celebrate the joyous occasion with their loved ones without compromising on the festive spirit.

So, try out these hacks and have a memorable Aidilfitri without the financial burden today!

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