Mother, Baby & Kids

Motherhood Choice Awards: Anmum™ ESSENTIAL Wins Best Growing Up Milk

Children require optimal nutrition to grow strong, smart and healthy. Whole foods are always the best source of nutrition.

But it’s always a good idea to boost their development with some extra nutrients. Nutrients that can help to support their brain development for them learn, absorb and use knowledge efficiently.

One brand that has garnered the trust of our Malaysian mums is Anmum™ ESSENTIAL.

This is further proven as it won the Best Growing Up Milk in the Motherhood Choice Awards 2022!

Winners of this prestigious distinction are dubbed the best brands in their category—as voted by mums, for mums. Each brand is judged based on 6 criteria: Trustworthiness, Quality, Value, Understanding of Customer Needs, Innovation, and Social Responsibility. These are the pillars of excellence that ensure only the best of the best are qualified for any award.

We interviewed the innovators of this brand to learn more about their product.

Power Up Your Child’s Brain Cell Connections Today!

Anmum™ ESSENTIAL is scientifically formulated with Gangliosides (GA®) and DHA. While many parents are aware of the importance of DHA as the building block of brain cells, Gangliosides (GA®) are important components for brain neuronal membrane¹.

Each of us has ~ 100 billion brain cells but not all are connected². Research has shown that Gangliosides support effective brain cell connections³ which is important to support memory and learning to happen throughout toddlerhood.

“Our R&D team with more than 90 years of knowledge and a team of 350 experts in New Zealand has scientifically formulated Anmum™ ESSENTIAL with Gangliosides (GA®) and we are proud to share that Anmum™ ESSENTIAL is the only major formulated milk powder in the market with Gangliosides (GA®), DHA and No Added Sugars*,” said Shanice Lee, Marketing Manager of  Anmum™ ESSENTIAL.

Besides that, Anmum™ ESSENTIAL also takes into account the adversity of excessive added sugars in a child’s diet.

Did you know that higher sugar consumed may lead to lower intelligence score? Anmum™ ESSENTIAL is The Only Brand^ in Malaysia market that is with No Added Sugars which includes no Maltodextrin, no Sucrose as well as no additional Lactose. The value of Added Sugar in the nutrition information panel literally shown 0 grammage.

Anmum™ ESSENTIAL is also formulated with other important nutrients like MFGM, Prebiotic (Inulin) and 15 key nutrients such as high protein, high calcium and iron which are important to support your child’s overall growth and development.

Leading Brand in Maternal and Growing Up Milk

The brand first appeared in Singapore and Malaysia as a maternal product for pregnant mums. But their expertise has also expanded to provide scientifically formulated growing up milk products. Their purpose is to partner with mums to raise amazing children.


“Thank you to and all parents who have voted for us. For Anmum™ ESSENTIAL to receive the Motherhood Choice Awards 2022, it’s a reflection of how much trust parents have given to our brand in helping to support their children’s needs. We are thankful for the love parents have showered us and will continue to partner with mums to nourish and develop the smarter next generation of children,” Shanice Lee, Marketing Manager of Anmum™ ESSENTIAL


¹Palmano et al. (2015). Nutrients, 7, 3891–3913

²Ozar M.(2012). International Journal of Business and social Science.3(22), 248-257

³Rahmann H. (1995). Behav. Brain Res. 66,105-116

*Sucrose, Glucose Syrup Solid, Corn Syrup Solid, Brown Sugar, Dextrose, Lactose, Fructose, Honey and White Sugar are defined as ‘sugars’ and ‘added sugars’ under CODEX Standard 212-1999 and CAC/GL23-1997. CODEX develops harmonised international food standards guidelines and code of practices. Under Malaysia Food Regulations 1985, Sucrose, Brown Sugar, Dextrose, Glucose, Fructose, Honey are defined as sweetening substances. 

^Referring to the product label of major brands of formulated milk powder for children

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