Mother, Baby & Kids

6 Childhood-Inspired Mother’s Day Gift Ideas


Mother’s Day is a special day for all mothers around the world.

It is the day when we celebrate their love, care, and sacrifices.

As kids, we spared no creativity in crafting unique gifts for this special occasion.

But as adults with money, we may tend to just buy something off the shelf. Which doesn’t exactly make for memorable gift-giving.

Your mum deserves something much more than that, at least once in a while.

Instead of buying something another gift this year, create something truly heartfelt and personal, inspired by your childhood arts and crafts.

These are gifts that you can’t easily buy at the store. Things that you make with your own two hands, things that are valuable and not so easily replaceable.

They may herald back to simpler times when creation was second nature. During the days of crayon and glitter and ribbons.

Dig deep and tap into your inner child to give your mum truly a gift that she will cherish.

Here are some ideas on where you can get started.

6 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas Inspired by Your Childhood Creations

Handmade Card

Let’s be honest, buying a Hallmark card from the store is so last season. People are putting more value and emphasis on handmade things nowadays.

Why not add your own personal touch to your Mother’s Day card by designing one from scratch just like you did as a child?

A handmade card is a classic Mother’s Day gift idea.

You can use coloured paper, markers, stickers, and other craft materials to create a personalised card for your mother.

Write a heartfelt message, draw a picture, or add a poem to make it extra special.

Your mother will appreciate the time and effort you put into making a card just for her.

Personalised Scrapbook

We’ve all done a scrapbook before as kids, whether that’s for a school assignment or pet project.

A personalised scrapbook may just be a unique and meaningful Mother’s Day gift idea. A throwback to the nostalgia of the past, if you will.

Gather your favourite pictures with your mother and create a scrapbook or photo album.

You can also include captions, quotes, or anecdotes to make it more personal. It is a gift that your mother will cherish for years to come.

Alternatively, you can create a digital scrapbook which is much cheaper and allows for more sophisticated choices in terms of decoration and personalisation.

Homemade Treats

Do you remember the first time you helped make cookies and cakes with your mother? It may have ended up in a big mess, but at least you had fun.

Now that you’re an adult you can learn to make proper baked goods for your mum.

Cakes, cookies, cupcakes, or brownies, the sky’s the limit.

After all, nothing’s more personal than making something with your own two hands.

While not technically an arts and craft project, the baked goods we dabbled in as kids are a piece of childhood memory.

Handmade Ceramics

We’ve all played with Play-Doh before as kids. You may have even given them as gifts on Mother’s Day.

But now that you’re an adult, you can probably give your mother something a bit more sophisticated.

If you’re able and willing to spend the time, effort and money, sign up for a pottery class.

Once you’ve mastered the basics you can create your own works of art as a custom, meaningful, heartfelt gift to our mum.

Think vases, bowls, cups, or simply ornamental pieces that don’t even necessarily have any practical function.

The cheaper way would be to get some no-bake modelling clay that dries and hardens once exposed to air.

DIY Jewellery

There’s a reason why jewellery has been used for centuries to bind lifelong relationships and sacred bonds. From wedding rings to friendship necklaces.

And there is no connection stronger or more powerful than that between mother and child.

Remember those DIY alphabet bracelets you made as a child? It’s time bring back that trend for Mother’s Day.

DIY jewellery is a great gift for Mother’s Day. You can make a bracelet, or earrings using beads, strings, or wires.

It is a gift that your mother can wear and cherish every day.

Some jewellers allow you to create your own. This can range from simply choosing charms for a bracelet to tailoring your own design from scratch using recycled metal.

While you’re at it, why not make a matching one for yourself? Such as a necklace, so you keep a reminder of your mother close to your heart.

Memory Jar

Memories are the most powerful kind of magic. They reflect moments in time that hold a special place in our hearts.

Preserve those memories forever by walking down memory lane and retrieving the best days of your childhood between you and your mother.

While not all of us may have made one as a child, a memory jar is a sentimental and thoughtful Mother’s Day gift idea.

Find a glass jar or container and decorate it with ribbons, stickers, or labels.

Write down your favourite memories with your mother on small pieces of paper and put them inside the jar.

Your mother can read them whenever she wants to remember the special moments you shared together.

Make This Mother’s Day a Memorable One

Childhood is a time of innocence, but also a time of boundless creativity.

We had none of our own money to spend, but we were innovative and resourceful, creating gifts straight from our imagination.

That was how we chose to honour and celebrate our mothers on Mother’s Day.

In some ways, handmade gifts hold more meaning than something you can just get at a store.

Bring back that inner originality by taking inspiration from our childhood creations, and make something entirely new and original for your mum this Mother’s Day.

Something that she will surely cherish for all the days of her life.

By the way, dads, these are all also great ideas for the kids to prepare handmade Mother’s Day gifts that their mums are sure to love!

For more insightful stories and fun recipes, stay tuned to Motherhood Story!