Mother, Baby & Kids

Mum-Approved Tips To Help Your Baby Sleep Through The Night

Have you ever felt so incredibly tired and jaded during the day because your baby wakes up multiple times at night?

Can’t remember what it feels like not to be tired ever since you brought your little baby home?

Do you desperately want to close your sleepy eyes and remain horizontal for eight hours straight, but unable to do so because your baby wakes up during the wee hours?

If your answers to the all above questions are yes, don’t despair! It’s normal and you’re not alone.

Photo credits: Freepik.

Getting a baby to sleep and staying asleep through the night are common challenges among new parents and parts of the parcel of parenting a baby. Admittedly, the mental and physical exhaustions; plus, the longing to have a good night sleep like the good ol’ days stemming from intense sleep deprivation or continuous broken sleeps are just indescribable.

Here’s the good news, mummies!

There are ways to train your baby to sleep through the night because sleep is actually a learned skill.


The term of ‘sleeping through the night’ for babies typically means at least 6 to 8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Most babies usually start sleeping through the night without waking until they’re about 3 months old. Since babies are not able to create their own sleeping patterns nor know how to put themselves to sleep, parents need to step up their game in helping them.

The following are some simple yet useful tips to help your baby (and yourself!) sleep through the night:

1. Establish regular bedtime routines and follow them strictly

Photo credits: Freepik.

Create simple and sustainable bedtime routines for your baby and start adopting good bedtime schedules as early as you can. Bedtime routines help create positive sleep associations for your baby, so try to follow this routine consistently on a daily basis.

There’s no one-size-fits-all bedtime routine that works for every baby or family, but below is a list of simple bedtime routine examples that you can consider trying:

  • Avoid giving your baby a nap just before or close to his usual bedtime
  • Give your baby a warm bath in the evening and let him wear his fresh diaper and pyjamas, so he will feel more comfortable before bedtime
  • Eliminate any loud noises and minimise activities before bedtime, i.e. turn the television off, silent your mobile phone, etc.
  • Feed your baby before bedtime to minimise frequent waking up due to hunger
  • Dim your bedroom lights when it’s time to put the baby to sleep

2. Don’t over stimulate your baby before bedtime

Overstimulation happens when children are swamped and overwhelmed by more experiences, sensations, noises, and activities than they can cope with. Overstimulated or overtired baby might get cranky and cry at night and when this happens; it can be difficult to settle later on. Therefore, it’s best not to overstimulate your baby before bedtime, so it’s easier to calm and induce baby’s sleepiness during bedtime.

3. Give your baby time to settle down before bedtime

Photo credits: Freepik.

Nurse your baby, walk around holding your baby, or gently rock your baby while shushing or singing a soft lullaby to encourage sleepiness. You may want to give your baby a pacifier too because it might help your baby fall asleep easily and stay asleep, relax, and self-soothe back to sleep if they wake up.

4. Have your baby as your roommate

Photo credits: Freepik.

It’s recommended that your baby sleeps in the same room with you, but alone in a crib, baby bassinet, or other structure designed cot for infants, for at least 6 months and if possible, up to 1 year. Adult beds pose many safety risks for infants, so if you could, keep your sleeping little one close by, but not in your bed.

Also, room sharing with your baby will keep him safe and make it easier for you to feed, comfort, and watch your baby during bedtime; hence, hopefully promoting a longer and better sleep at night.

5. Use a safe baby pillow 

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics’ safe sleep guidelines, babies should sleep on a firm, flat surface, and free of pillows, blankets, soft toys, and other loose bedding during the first year.

However, if you choose to give your baby a pillow to make sure your baby sleeps more comfortably for longer stretches at night, you can consider placing a comfortable and safe pillow on your baby’s chest, such as Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow.


We all know that almost every parent has sleepless nights when their baby fusses and cries.

Babies get startled easily and consequently, stir at night because they are naturally prone to noises, sudden movements, and dazzling lights from the surroundings. Quite often, babies start crying at night because they feel insecure and they are required to be carried around to calm down and eventually, fall sleep.

This is why, back in the days, our grandmothers used to make special baby pillows filled with beans or rice, called “Ya Jing”, to lull baby to sleep.


Bean Sprout pillows are made to provide your baby with a sense of being protected. It aims to simulate the touch of mummy’s hand and the pressure of covered in amniotic fluid; thus, effectively aids baby to sleep better.

Taking this into account, Babylove has decided to take up this legacy and came up with Babylove Organic Bean Sprout Husk Pillow that’s 100% natural, organic, and environmental-friendly; perfect to soothe and help baby to sleep better!

Top reasons why you should try Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow for your baby:

  • Filled with 100% organic beansprout husk, so it’s baby-friendly, eco-friendly, and will not attract pest
  • The beansprout husk goes through a 100% high heat sterilisation process, so it’s completely hygienic and safe to use by your baby
  • It creates soothing sounds that provide an extra sense of security for baby
  • The pillowcase is made from 100% cotton and certified by OEKO-TEX, which means it’s extremely breathable
  • The Envelop Closure Design comes without a zip to ensure double safety for your baby and to avoid scratches


Wondering how to use Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow to help your baby sleep soundly longer? Read on to find out more about this!

How to use Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow?

  1. Distribute the beansprout husk within the pillow evenly to form a thin layer and place gently over your baby’s chest
  2. Adjust the weight of the pillow by shifting the amount of husk you want to place on your baby
  3. Before you put the pillow on your baby’s chest, put the pillow on your chest first to capture the mother’s scent that can provide the sense of familiarity

How to keep Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow clean?

  1. Remove the pillowcase and wash it gently
  2. Sun dry the pillow’s filling regularly, at least once a week

Finally, are you and your baby ready for better sleep at night? Get Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow for your baby today here!

Don’t miss the opportunity to enjoy Buy 1, Free 2 (Buy 1 Pillow, Free 2 additional pillowcases!) if you purchase your Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow online!

Hurry, shop Babylove Organic Beansprout Husk Pillow now while promotion lasts!