Mother, Baby & Kids

Mummy Shares: My Hari Raya Preparation with 3 Young Kids

Family on Hari Raya

Image credit: Canva

Hari Raya is one of the most special days of the year for me and my family.

And, as a mother of three young kids, I want an occasion like this be memorable and celebrated in its own unique way.

Therefore, as the end of Ramadan approaches, I’ve been busy preparing for the Hari Raya festivity in the hopes that everything goes smoothly.

Here are some of my plans to ensure that my kids have a wonderful celebration:

Shopping for Raya Clothes

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For us, Hari Raya means new outfits for the kids.

We normally choose the colour first before going shopping. But this time, everyone wanted a different colour, so we had to go shopping to discover which outfits and colours would work best for everyone.

Since each of my kids had a different colour preference for Raya clothing, we decided to wear the same colour on the first day and then let everyone wear whatever colour they wanted on the second day.

It made me so happy to see the joy on my children’s faces as they tried on their new clothes for this year’s celebration!

If you haven’t done so yet, don’t panic; you still have time, and sometimes the best Raya shopping is the night before the day itself. Of course, if Raya didn’t surprise us again this year. ><

Packing for Balik Kampung

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I planned to balik kampung a few days early so that my kids get the chance to buka puasa with their great-grandparents.

Anyhow, packing for five can be quite a hassle, so I make sure to create a list of items to bring for the kids and us parents.

My two eldest children would usually assist with packing as well. They like it since they have the freedom to bring any pyjamas and extra clothing they decide on for the duration of their stay.

I only need to list down how many they must bring and help them pack their bags neatly.

Other than that, I make sure the car is all set for the long trip and that we have lots of snacks and games to keep the kids entertained.

Decorating the House

My kids enjoy getting involved in decorating the house for Raya or any special event. This year, we decided to explore a variety of Hari Raya decoration ideas.

So, we’ve been busy gathering decorations, including lampu pelita, ketupat lighting, Hari Raya wall decorations, and even balloons.

Also, my kids have been having a great time making Eid cards to decorate our home, as well as to give to our friends and family. They can’t wait to share their creations!

Planning Delicious Raya Menu

Image credit: Canva

Every year, I make sure to plan a fantastic Hari Raya menu, and this year is no exception.

Our Raya menu always consists of nasi dagang with ayam kerutuk, udang masak lemak, and ikan masak lemak.

But this time, my mother also requested me to make some lontong and beef dendeng to eat with nasi impit.

For dessert, we already have plenty of kuih raya. So I decided to make a no-bake Oreo cheesecake for my family and guests. It’s been a while since I made this, so I’m looking forward to Raya night!

Cleaning the House

Image credit: Canva

Cleaning and tidying the house is a must before the Eid celebrations.

We’ve been working hard to clean the house from top to bottom. My husband and I are usually too preoccupied with work and other responsibilities to devote much time to cleaning the house.

But with the extra time we have to prepare for Hari Raya, we decided to involve the kids in the cleaning process.

We’ve been taking it one room at a time. The kids are really excited to help out and it’s been great to see them take initiative.

Attending Raya Prayer

On Eid, we intend to attend the special Raya prayer at the mosque.

This is crucial because I want my kids to understand the importance of this religious holiday and the significance of the celebration.

I want my children to experience the beauty of Eid prayer, the sense of community, and the joy of the occasion.

We will be visiting the local mosque at our kampung to take part in the prayer, surrounded by other members of the community who will be celebrating the same occasion.

In preparation for this special occasion, I have been teaching my kids about the importance of prayer and the meaning of Hari Raya.

I am sure the experience will be even more meaningful to them when we actually take part in the Eid prayer.

Spending Time with Family and Friends

Image credit: Canva

Hari Raya is a time to look back and reflect on the past year and look forward to the year ahead.

It‘s a time to be with family, friends, and neighbours to gather and share stories and laughs. It’s also a time to be grateful for what we have and to count our blessings.

As part of our Eid celebrations, get together with close and distant family members. We share food and stories and enjoy each others company.

I love this part of the celebrations because it reminds me of how blessed we are to have so many people in our lives who care about us.

Buying Gifts for Hari Raya

Image credit: Canva

As a mother, I enjoy buying gifts for my kids and relatives for Hari Raya. This time of year, allows me to be my best self: a gift giver.

I’ve already planned out who I need to buy gifts for and what I need to buy them. I’m looking forward to finding special presents for each of my children, as well as my siblings, parents, and other family members.

From colourful traditional clothing to modern accessories, I make sure to find something that will make them feel loved and appreciated.

No matter where I shop, I always make sure to get something meaningful for each person. I like to think of it as my way of showing them how much I care.

It’s my way of expressing my love during the festive season. At the end of the day, it’s not about the presents themselves. It all comes down to the thought and care that goes into each gift.

That is what makes buying Hari Raya gifts so precious to me.

Making Raya Memories Is a Fulfilment

It’s been so heart-warming to witness my children become involved in the preparations for Hari Raya.

Our whole family is looking forward to the festivities and welcoming our relatives and friends

Hari Raya is the perfect time to come together as a family and celebrate everything that we’re thankful for.

That is why, I am taking all these steps to ensure that this special day is unforgettable, and I want my kids to keep these recollections for many years to come.

To all the mothers out there, wishing you the best of luck in getting ready for Hari Raya this year!

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin with lots of love from Motherhood!

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