Mother, Baby & Kids

Baby Sleep Expert Debunk 6 Myths About Baby Sleep


As a parent, you may have been given the occasional unsolicited advice from family and friends on how you should parent your child.

You might have also received advices about baby sleep—but different advices can cause confusion for you.

You might even hear some baby sleep myths and have questions whether they’re facts or totally untrue.

Sleep expert, Heidi Skudder, debunks six baby sleep myths and shares whether you should ignore them or take notice of.

Baby Sleep Myths Debunked

There were three myths she shared that you should take note of and that includes:

1. Children Love Routines

Children and babies alike love routines and the same goes for preparing them for sleep.

A research shows that children who follow bedtime routines are more likely to go to sleep earlier.

They also take less time falling asleep, sleep longer and wake up less during the night.

Implement relaxing activities for your kids to do before bed to get them into bed easier.

2. Babies Love Connection

Heidi mentioned that some babies can struggle with the transition from being on you to a cot.

Practise putting your baby down by lowering their feet into their cot first, then their head.

She also said that if they stir or look upset, hold them on their side whilst patting and soothing them.

Once they’re calm, put them on their backs to finally sleep.

3. Don’t Be Afraid to Ask For Help About Baby Sleep

Heidi said that you shouldn’t be afraid to ask or invest for help.

However, she mentioned that instead of spending the money on sleep gadgets, you should instead use it for consultation with a sleep coach.

A reputable sleep coach can give brilliant advice that new parents are not told about.

On the flip side, Heidi shared three other myths that you should definitely ignore regarding baby sleep:

1. You Don’t Have to Choose to Be a ‘Gentle Parent’

She explained that many sleep coaches these days are practising gentle parenting.

Heidi mentioned that by creating an image of what a ‘gentle’ parent does and doesn’t do with baby’s sleep, this can leave new parents feeling overwhelmed.

2. Babies Are Made to Not Sleep

New parents are being told the idea that broken nights are normal and that parents need to bring in what help they can to survive them.

This myth is definitely untrue and can be damaging to many struggling parents.

Sleep is scientifically researched to being one of the biggest predictors of postnatal depression.

3. Baby Sleep Training Is a Must

Lastly, she said that the common rhetoric right now regarding sleep training is that it’s bad.

There are many methods for sleep training and some of them may or may not work for you.

You don’t have to pressure yourself to try sleep training your baby as it can be a bumpy road.

Do What Works Best For You

You know what works best for you and your baby.

If you already have something that works, you can keep on doing what you’re doing.

If you have tips to help with baby sleep, do share with us!

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as medical advice from Motherhood. For any health-related concerns, it is advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare professional or medical practitioner.

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