Mother, Baby & Kids

One Spoonful everyday is all it takes for Healthy Growth & Development!

In a world of fast food and fast-paced lifestyles, it can be difficult to ensure the achievement of optimum nutrition for our little ones everyday. But the right nutrition is essential to support their rapid growth as children are making their greatest strides in cognitive and motor skill development in their first few years of life.  They learn to perceive, focus, understand, respond to words and speak as well as problem-solving. At the same time, they learn to balance, crawl, stand up, walk, run and even aim to throw things.

All this points to the importance of having the right nutrition to build strong bones, muscles and most of all ─ mental capacity.

DHA is important for your child’s brain development

What is DHA? It is a major building block of the brain. DHA, which stands for docosahexaenoic acid, is an important polyunsaturated Omega-3 fatty acid found in high levels in the brain and eyes. To support your child’s brain development and function, an adequate daily intake of DHA should be included as part of a balanced diet.

This is important because most of your child’s brain development takes place by the age of six.

DHA is not only essential for your child’s brain function and learning ability, it also promotes healthy vision.

DHA can be found mainly in fatty fish and breast milk, and low amounts in certain meats and eggs.

Because it can be difficult to achieve a child’s daily recommended amount of Omega-3 fatty acids like DHA and EPA through food alone, Scott’s Emulsion Original can help provide your child’s daily recommended amount of DHA they need.

Did you know?

One spoon of Scott’s Emulsion Original contains 8X DHA as one glass of milk. All you need to do is give your child one spoon (15ml) of Scott’s Emulsion Original every day for healthy growth and development.


KKLIU: 1576/2019

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