Mother, Baby & Kids

15 Epic Physical Activities for Kids of all Ages

Physical activities for kids are vital for their overall development.

Physical activity for kids promotes fitness, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves concentration. It also helps children build self-esteem, develop teamwork skills, and reduce stress and anxiety.

This article will explore the best physical activities for kids and provide tips to encourage them to get moving.

Tips on How Your Kids Can Be Active


Football is a popular sport that can be played both indoors and outdoors. It’s also an excellent way to get kids moving; they must run around the field to score a goal.

If you have space for an outdoor football pitch, consider setting a mini one up in your backyard so your child can play with friends or siblings!


Image credit: Shutterstock

Basketball is another great option for kids who love sports but want something moderate like football or badminton.

This game requires some coordination between players on both sides of the court–and there’s always room for improvement when it comes to shooting hoops!


This exercise is excellent for kids because it helps them develop flexibility and balance. It also improves their concentration, focus, and self-control.


Image credit: Canva

Dancing can be a fun way to burn calories while having fun! You can take your child to dance classes or teach them how to make some basic moves at home with you—it’s up to you!

And if you do it at home, you can use masking tape to create a makeshift stage in the living room. Don’t forget that you can use bean bags for the ‘audience’ too!

Gymnastics/Martial Arts/Hiking/Skating

These all involve physical activity that gets kids moving around outside in fresh air instead of sitting inside playing video games all day long (which isn’t necessarily bad either).

Tips to Encourage Kids to Get Moving

Encourage your kids to get moving by making physical activity fun, setting an example and choosing activities that match the child’s interests.

Offer rewards for physical activity, reduce screen time and create a daily routine with at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA).

Find ways to be active together as a family or in groups. Mix up the activities so everyone can enjoy them!

Active Time for Kids

According to the Canadian Pediatric Society, children’s recommended amount of physical activity varies by age groups. Here are some tips on how much time your kids need to spend being active:

Infants (0-12 months):

Should be physically active several times daily. At least 30 minutes of tummy time throughout the day. Active play starts from birth through floor-based activities, including tummy-time, reaching, pushing, pulling and crawling.

Toddlers (1-2 years):

At least 180 minutes of daily physical activity (planned, organized, and unstructured physical activity or free play).

They should gradually progress toward at least 60 minutes of energetic play (moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity) by five years of age. Activities should be fun and encourage your toddler to explore and try new things.

Preschoolers (3-4 years):

At least two hours and 30 minutes of physical activity throughout the day (the time you spent on planned, unplanned, or structured exercise).

To ensure growth and development, your preschooler should gradually progress toward at least 60 minutes of energetic play (moderate-vigorous intensity physical activity) by age five.

Activities should be fun—your child’s interests should determine what they do most of the time.

Children (5-9 years):

Children and youth should engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity daily, such as playing tag or soccer.

They should also do activities that strengthen core muscles and bones—such as gymnastics, skating or skiing—at least three days a week.

Children (10-12 years):

At least 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous intensity physical activity daily, including vigorous-intensity activities such as team sports at least three days a week and activities that strengthen muscles and bones at least three days a week.

Teens (13-17 years):

The recommended daily physical activity guidelines are 60 minutes of moderate-to-vigorous exercise daily, including three days a week of strength training.

It’s important to note that these are just guidelines, and your child’s needs may vary. Consult with your child’s healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

15 Fun Physical Activities for Kids

Physical activity is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for kids.

Physically active children have better overall health and fitness than those who are not physically active.

Physical activity is suitable for your child’s mental health, too. It helps them feel better about themselves and more confident in their abilities.

Here are 15 options you can’t go wrong with.

Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items for kids to find and let them run around searching for them.

Balance Beam

Image from Hippopx

Use a piece of wood or a line of tape on the floor to create a balance beam for kids to walk along.

Hula Hooping

Image credit: Shutterstock

Give kids a hula hoop, and let them try to keep it up as long as possible.

Balloon Keep-Up

Blow up some balloons and have kids try to keep them from touching the ground.

Dance Party

Image credit: Canva

Turn up the music and have a dance party.

Temper Tantrum

Permit kids to have a temper tantrum to release energy.

Simon Says

Image credit: Canva

Play Simon Says and have kids follow along with the actions.

Hot Potato

Toss a soft ball or rolled-up sock to kids and have them toss it to someone else as quickly as possible.

Follow the Leader

Have kids follow where the leader goes.

Duck, Duck, Goose

Image credit: Canva

Choose someone to be the goose and have the other kids try to tag them.


Help kids do headstands and spend some quality time together!


Do yoga with kids using resources like Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube.

Indoor Obstacle Course

Create an indoor obstacle course using furniture and household items in the living room.

Playground Games

Image credit: Canva

Play classic playground games like tag, jump rope, and hopscotch. Or simply, head over to the local playground for some family fun.


Play sports like soccer, basketball, and baseball with kids or even jumping jacks and crab walks. You can also bring them to waterparks or pools to have some water fun time.

For example, children can run zig zags to the finish line which is a fun sport for all.

Tips on Physical Activities for Kids

Being active as a family is a great way to promote healthy living. One way to do this is to schedule regular family activities.

These might include hiking, biking, or playing sports together. Another way is to make small changes in daily routines, such as walking or biking to school or work instead of driving.

It’s also important to limit screen time and encourage physical play instead. Parents can lead by example by being active and involving their children in physical activities.

Finally, prioritising healthy meals and snacks can also support a healthy lifestyle. By taking these steps, families can work together to create a healthy and active lifestyle that benefits everyone.


The best way to support a healthy lifestyle is to create an environment where it can thrive.

This can include limiting screen time, being active together, and prioritising healthy meals and snacks. You don’t need to become a fitness guru or nutritionist to support your family’s health.

These simple steps can help you create an environment where everyone can thrive.

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