Mother, Baby & Kids

Follow These Steps After Checking the Primary School Registration Result For Your Children’s Future

Check your children's primary school admission through SPATKPM

Photo credit: Facebook@Roger Lin

This is one of the most nerve-wracking moments in your life. Sitting in front of your laptops or holding on your phones, you are logging into the MOE Online Registration System (SPATKPM) to check whether your child is enrolled into the primary school that you have chosen.

For the year 2020, the registration is open for pupils who wish to enrol into year one in the year 2021 and 2022. This means that the registration is available for children born on 2nd January 2014 to 1st January 2015 and children born on 2nd January 2015 to 1st January 2016. If you have not checked the application status, you may log into the online registration system to know the result.

For those who have checked the primary school registration result, you might have a big question at the moment,

What should I do next?

Worry not; we are here to offer you some of the next steps that you should take to ensure your children have a smooth primary school registration. Read on to find out more.

Scenario 1: You are satisfied with the application result


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Congratulations to you who have successfully registered your children to the primary school. The next step is to confirm your children’s entry status. First, you will need to print out the school placement letter from the portal. Simply click “Semakan”, then “Pengesahan Penempatan” and followed by “Cetak Surat”. You will have to prepare some necessary documents along with the letter and bring them to the primary school for confirmation. Here’s the list of documents needed for the confirmation:

  1. Your child’s MyKID identity card or birth certificate (both original and photocopy version)
  2. One copy each for you and/or your spouse’s Malaysian Identity Card (IC)
  3. One copy of marriage certificate or divorce order
  4. A copy of water or electricity bills from your household
  5. Your child’s vaccination records

To confirm the additional documents needed, you can refer to the school administration. Within this month, the school administration will send out letters to notify you about coming to school for the confirmation. Bring along this letter and the documents above for the confirmation at school. If your children is enrolling in the year of 2022, you will only receive the letter next year, which is 2021. You will only need to complete the confirmation procedure next year.

Scenario 2: You have a change of mind

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If you wish to transfer your children to another primary school, this is what you need to do. If you have done your application online, you can appeal through the same online portal or through manual procedure. The duration for the reapplication is from 1st August 2020 until 30th September 2020. The online reapplication is only available for parents who have registered the primary school registration online. For the online portal, you need to click on “Pengesahan Penempatan”. Then, click on the red “Rayuan” button to complete a form. After that, print the form and bring along the necessary documents mentioned in the earlier section to the school where you appeal for. You should also inform the initial school about your cancellation. This will allow the other children in the waiting list to join the particular school.

For those who registered manually through the school administration, you will need to go to the school where you first registered your child. Then, ask the school clerk for assistance. You can ask for a school transfer within the same district, to a different district or even to a different state.

What if I wish to transfer my child to a school from another state?

The manual procedure is compulsory for those who wish to transfer their children to a school in a different state. To do so, you will need to go to the district education office to apply the school transfer to another state. Online reapplication is not applicable in this situation as the school from another state will not appear in the school choice list in the online portal.

As the result of the online reapplication will be out around October, you should log into the system around that month to check your application status. You can also wait for the announcement from the Ministry of Education on the exact date for the reapplication result.

3 Useful Tips Towards A Smooth Primary School Registration and Admission

Besides looking into the registration application, you should also focus on preparing your children to enrol in a new learning environment. Having the experience of being a year one class teacher, I had dealt with a variety of situations with year one pupils. Some pupils were snoozing off in the middle of the school session, some were unable to pay attention during the lessons and some even came late to school.

These scenarios are understandable as they happen in most schools. However, as parents, how can you help or prepare your children in advance so that they will have a happier primary school life? Read on to find out the three tips that you can easily apply in your daily life.

Tip #1: Give You Children A Brief Understanding About A Day At School

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Before the schooling session starts, you can explain to your children about the number of periods or lessons that they are going to experience at school. You can tell them about when their first lesson starts and when their last lesson ends based on the class timetable. You should also brief them about the recess time when they can take a short break for their breakfast. If you constantly brief them on the basic information, they will gradually have a clearer concept of what they need to do at school based on a certain time frame.

Here’s an extra bit of information for every parent about your year one children. During the first month of the primary school enrollment, the school will organize an orientation programme for the year one pupil. During the first three to four weeks of schooling, your children will be able to familiarize themselves with the school environment. So, be sure that you maximize these 3 to 4 weeks to tell your children about the brief structure about their schooling experience.

Tip #2: Include A Wake-up Time Training Before the Primary School Registration

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As you have briefly told your children about the time where they start their first lesson at school, you also need to explain about the time to wake up. This is to prevent any time wastage during the preparation to school and most importantly, to prevent you from venting anger on your children early in the morning. So, what you can do before the schooling session starts is to train your children to wake up earlier from time to time.

The wake-up time training is essential for children to adapt themselves from the preschool session to the primary school session. They can be more mentally and physically prepared about the time they need to wake up and get ready for their primary school learning. You should also get your children to sleep early so that they wake up early feeling energized to learn at school.

Tip #3: Ensure Your Children’s Stationery Supply Is Sufficient

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You should ensure your children are having and bringing the basic stationery such as pencils, an eraser, a ruler and some colour pencils for their learning at school. Besides that, you should also train your children to keep their stationery well so that they are more responsible for their own belongings. To help them, you can label their names on their stationery.

A Big Shout Out to All Parents Who Have Done The Primary School Registration

As the education of our children matters, we would like to thank all of you who have been busy preparing the necessary documents and registering for your children’s primary school registration. Without you, your children will not be able to enjoy and experience their fun learning at school. We hope that we have clarified your doubts about the next steps to take after the application result. Till then, we hope you will constantly take part in your children’s learning journey to help them to succeed.