Mother, Baby & Kids

Savvy in Wonderland: Joie Celebrates Babywearing in Conjunction with Global Day of Parents

SNS Products Sdn Bhd, Malaysia’s exclusive distributor of Joie, a leading global baby gear brand, recently hosted an exclusive event to celebrate the wonders of babywearing and showcase their innovations, Savvy and Savvy Lite.

The enchanting ‘Savvy in Wonderland’ event, held at Woobar, W Hotel, Kuala Lumpur on 1st June, welcomed esteemed guests including parents, sponsors, retailers, media partners and influencers to an exclusive high-tea gathering.

Attendees immersed themselves in an afternoon brimming with engaging activities, valuable insights and connections, all in honour of parents’ unwavering dedication and love worldwide.

The event, coinciding with Global Day of Parents, aimed to highlight the joys and advantages of babywearing while immersing attendees in an enriching and enjoyable experience.

Through a series of interactive activities, participants delved into the world of Joie baby carriers, discovering how they seamlessly blend practicality with closeness in parenting.

In addition, the event was supported by sponsors including bblüv, Buds, Happy Fish, Terrae, and Farm Fresh.

Guests were welcomed with a delightful nail art sticker service and had the chance to capture cherished moments at the photobooth while eagerly awaiting the main event.

Throughout the day, expert demonstrations of the versatile Savvy and Savvy Lite carriers showcased their unique features and how they enchance comfort and convenience for both parent and child.

Since Savvy’s introduction in 2020 in Malaysia, it has revolutionised the baby industry with its unique features such as the magnetic buckles, the buil-in sun canopy, as well as its sophisticated design.

Building on this success, Joie proudly launched Savvy Lite, underscoring their ongoing commitment to innovation in baby carriers.

Designed to meet the evolving needs of modern parents, Savvy Lite maintains Joie’s commitment to excellence while offering another option for babywearing enthusiasts.

“We believe in celebrating the joys of parenthood while empowering parents with innovative and practical solutions like the Savvy and Savvy Lite baby carriers,” said May Hwong, Managing Director of SNS Products Sdn Bhd.

“Through this event, we aim to showcase how babywearing strengthens the parent-child bond, aids in baby development, offers convenience, and promotes an active lifestyle.

We invited families from all walks of life to join us in commemorating World Parents’ Day and embracing the beauty of babywearing.”

The heart of the event lay in the sharing session by babywearing expert Puan Yusna Adilah Hamzah, Joie’s influencer and Savvy user Dayana Roza, and one delighted Savvy parent.

Attendeees had the opportunity to glean valuable insights, tips and personal stories about the benefits of babywearing from these esteemed individuals.

From newborns to toddlers, participants learned how baby carriers facilitate bonding, promote developmental milestones, and enable parents to embrace everyday tasks with ease.

Adding a touch of rhythm and movement, the babywearing dance session was a highlight, demonstrating how parents can stay active and engaged while keeping their little ones close.

Meanwhile, the floral photo frame art keepsake activity offered a delightful opportunity for families to create cherished memories together.

To sweeten the experience, attendees unleashed their creativity during the cupcake decoration session, where they discovered firsthand how babywearing provides the freedom to multitask and enjoy special moments with their babies.

The event featured an engaging agenda aimed at showcasing the advanced features and user-friendly designs of Savvy and Savyy Lite.

Attendees, including esteemed guests and media representatives, were treated to a comprehensive introduction of the products through live demonstrations.

From there, the functionality and comfort of the Savyy and Savvy Lite were highlighted, demonstrating how these products can make babywearing more enjoyable for parents.

For more insightful stories and fun recipes, stay tuned to Motherhood Story!