Mother, Baby & Kids

Thriving Solo: Tips on Overcoming Challenges as a Single Parent

A single parent is the lead in a one-person show, and they juggle all the responsibilities of parenting on their own. Single parenting comes with its own unique set of challenges. It isn’t easy to manage all the aspects of parenting alone, but there are ways to handle the challenges in positive ways.

Many single parents face similar issues and even though it may be overwhelming to raise a child alone, you are more than capable of rising to the challenge. Let’s explore the ways you can navigate single parenthood as an easier experience.

The Challenges of Single Parenthood

Parenting without a partner will take a toll on the single parent through financial stress, lack of sleep and self-care and feelings of loneliness. Juggling many aspects of life like work, parenting duties and household chores may be overwhelming physically and mentally.

Single parents may also face societal challenges due to their circumstances. These problems may seem too much to handle for a single person with children but there are ways to deal with these challenges in a beneficial way for the whole family. Here are some of the challenges a single parent may face:


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It’s normal to feel lonely in an overwhelming situation and this is especially true for single parents. As amazing as raising a child feels, there are times when you might feel the need to share the difficult days with a partner. There might also be feelings of loneliness on the good days when you are unable to share a celebration with a partner. Feeling lonely is normal for a single parent and it may get tiring to not tag a partner in to take on some responsibility.

Lack Of Self Care

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Single parents often ignore their well-being to take care of their children. The lack of self-care will slowly start to affect the parent’s physical and mental health in the long run. One of the social effects of single parenting is that society applauds the single parent’s lack of self-care. This is detrimental to the family dynamic as an unhappy parent will raise unhappy children.


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Society isn’t kind to single parents and most of the time the self-esteem of the parent is affected by judgement and unkind commentary. A single parent’s self-esteem would already be affected by the overwhelming responsibility of raising a child. Self-doubt is a common problem for a single parent to deal with and if their self-esteem is low, their mental health will be impacted.


Most parents feel guilty about not being able to give the best to their children but single parents have it a little tougher. Single parents usually will feel guilty about not being able to raise their child in a “normal” family dynamic. The single parent might able be worried about how their child might judge them for being a single parent. It may be difficult to deal with feelings of inadequacy especially when it involved a child and family.

Tips And Tricks Help You on the Journey of Single Parenthood

Dealing with financial responsibilities, raising a child and working on a career as a single parent is a monumental task but with help, it can be done. Let’s explore some tips and tricks that can help make single parenting easier, manageable and enjoyable.

Be Kind

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Single mothers and fathers need to be kind to themselves. Try not to take failures too seriously and let it affect your mental health. Accept that you are doing all you can for your children according to your circumstances. Single parents should also try to be kind to their children when it comes to their emotional needs.

Join A Community

Finding a support group to share experiences and get advice from other single parents is a great way to combat loneliness. Online support groups are usually formed by like-minded single parents who want to help others. Joining a supportive community can help a single parent feel heard and accepted.


Be honest with yourself and your children. Honest and open communication helps family members to avoid misunderstandings and arguments. It is also healthy for single parents to have open communication with their children so they can feel safe talking about their troubles. When everyone in the family feels they can communicate in a safe environment with no judgement, a lot of problems can be solved easily.

Let Children Be Children

Being a single parent is stressful and often the parent unintentionally expects their child to act more mature despite their age. Single-parent households can be stricter as the parent feels they need to have more control over the children. It’s okay to let children make mistakes, learn and explore. Try to let your child grow up in a happy environment so they don’t have to deal with extra stress or pressure because they are being raised by a single parent.

Set Boundaries

Keeping your family life secure and stable is important and this applies to all households. Single parents may find it difficult to set boundaries and say “no” because they want to do all they can for the family. Setting healthy boundaries helps to keep family life stable and less tiring. Drawing the line doesn’t make you a bad parent, it’s a healthy habit to keep you functioning.


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Single parents feel guilty when they take time off or spend some money on themselves for self-care. A parent who is solely responsible for their children is under a lot of stress so self-care is extremely important to keep the parent healthy. Taking a short break or splurging on a spa day is something you deserve because you are doing all you can to care for the family. Once you start prioritising your self-care, you’ll find it easier to deal with difficult situations and other challenges.

Be Firm


Being firm about consequences and disciplining a child is something single parents do not have the heart to do. This is due to the guilt they feel because the child isn’t growing up in a ‘normal’ family setting. Being lackadaisical about discipline is something that will hurt the family and child in the long run. Stay firm about rules and consequences so the child can grow up well-balanced.

Contingency Plans

Single parents are superheroes who want to do it all but sometimes life doesn’t work out that way. Always have a backup plan so you can deal with emergencies in the best way possible. Contingency plans will help parents who don’t have a partner to still care for their children’s needs without jeopardizing their comfort or safety.

Be Open to Getting Help

Most single parents find it hard to accept help from others. It takes a village to raise a child, even when both parents are present. Ask and accept help when you need it, it can be from family members or friends. Having enough help to raise the children will show a drastic improvement in a single parent’s temperament.

Role Models

Having appropriate role models that have managed to successfully be single parents will help motivate you. A role model will help make single parenting seem less impossible. This can help to increase the courage and drive of a demotivated single parent.


Routines are a great way to bring stability into a child’s life. Children need routines so they can feel secure and having a set way of doing things will make it easier for a single parent to manage their days or weeks. Routines also minimize the need for sudden changes that the parent isn’t prepared for.

Creative Childcare

If you can’t rely on family members for all the times you need help, look for other ways! Advertise for babysitters or look for a reliable daycare. It’s extremely important to vet the candidates thoroughly so you can be satisfied with their capability. Even if you don’t need help with childcare every day, it’s good to have these options as a backup.

Celebrate Achievements

Celebrating milestones or other achievements is important because it shows you are doing great! This will also teach the children to take time off to appreciate their achievements and develop their self-esteem. Celebrating the good times is just as important as learning from failures.

Be Positive

A positive outlook isn’t easy to have all the time but it helps. Start looking for things to be grateful for instead of focusing on the negative. Once you start small on little things, it becomes a habit that can rub off on your children too.


Credit: Kootenay Career Development Society

Don’t focus on what could have been or what you wish your relationship would have been. Draw attention to the fact that some things can’t be changed and perhaps it’s for the better that you are a single parent. Once you start to accept your journey in life, it becomes easier to deal with its challenges.

Overcoming Challenges as a Single Parent with Confidence

Dealing with the challenges of single parenting positively can bring a sense of contentment and accomplishment. A single parent’s emotional and mental health will improve when they feel they are equipped to raise their children alone. Accomplishing small and big successes as a single parent will also set an inspiring example to their children.

Establishing a support system and asking for help when needed is important for a single parent to cope with parenting, finances, work and school. In conclusion, with the right attitude and perseverance, single parenting can be an amazing experience.

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