Mother, Baby & Kids

Sony 64GB FDR-AXP55 4K Handycam with Built-in Projector | A Review


As parents, nothing makes us happier than being able to witness our little one’s firsts. Their first steps, first word, all these moments are extremely precious and pivotal in your little one’s development. However, sometimes, for whatever reason, one of you might end up missing out on some of their firsts. Wouldn’t it have been great if you had recorded it down somewhere? That way, you could just watch it over and over again. Enter the Sony AXP55 4k Handycam.

What’s so great about this Sony Handycam?


Compared to a smartphone, carrying around another gadget doesn’t seem very convenient now does it? But what if I tell you that it’s completely worth it? That the footage you capture from it is really incomparable to a smartphone? Not convinced? Let me tell you how this Handycam is superior.

4k video quality

Step aside HD, it’s now the era of 4k videos. With the sharper videos and images, you need not have to worry about missing out anything. You can now record it with a quality that makes you feel like you’re watching the actual event unfold.

It has Balanced Optical SteadyShot

Arguably one of the coolest features of this Handycam is the balanced optical zoom. What is that? Think of it as a stabilizer. You know how when you record videos on your phone and it ends up being all wobbly and shaky because you don’t have a steady hand or someone jostled you? Well, this fixes that. Imagine having footage that is so smooth, it looks like a professional shot it. That’s how it’s like using this Sony Handycam.

20x optical zoom

I know what you’re thinking. It can zoom. So what? My phone can do it too. Well, have you noticed that the more you zoom in on something on your phone, the shakier and blurrier it gets? That’s because phones use digital zoom instead of optical zoom technology. So instead of the whole camera zooming in, what it does is that it just crops the image as you zoom. Hence why the image quality decreases. With the 20x optical zoom, you can zoom in as much as you want without worrying about the image becoming a blur!

Built-in 64GB memory + Expandable memory card slot

You must be thinking, with such good quality footage, it must mean that it takes up a lot of memory. So won’t the memory fill up really fast? No! In fact, the Sony Handycam is equipped with 64GB memory, and has a slot for you to add in an extra memory card! This way, you don’t have to worry about running out of memory any time soon!

The built-in projector

The best part about this model of the Sony Handycam is that is has a built-in projector. What does this mean? As long as you have a wall or a smooth surface, you can project your video onto it! That’s right. No more crowding around the screen. Just project it on the wall and you’re good to go! Here’s a special tip – You can actually connect your laptop to the Handycam and use it as a projector. This means that you can project the movie or show right onto your ceiling and watch in comfort!

So really, if these features haven’t convinced you how cool this Handycam really is, you should watch the video below where Nadhira Brundage reviewed this product!

Interested in purchasing this super awesome Handycam? Click here!

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