Mother, Baby & Kids

Starting Preschool: Practical Tips For Busy Parents

My youngest will be graduating from kindergarten in 2 months’ time and boy, am I swallowing a bittersweet pill right now. Bitter because I cannot believe my baby is soon set to venture into the big kids’ school; at the same time sweet because I also cannot believe how much this little boy has grown and matured over the last 2 years! It is indeed a joy to witness that growth.

Looking back, those few months and weeks leading up to his first day at kindie was rather surreal – felt like it just happened last week! I was a nervous wreck because, for one reason or another, my littlest was a through and through mummy’s boy – stuck to me with the strength of an industrial-sized magnet and I just knew, parting for that few hours a day was going to be tough for him. Well, and me.

The first week was indeed challenging. Getting ready for school required a humongous amount of effort in talking, persuading, analysing, promising, assuring, and loving. But when the time came to say our goodbyes, mannn… I was pretty sure the school was flooded on a daily basis from his tears for an entire week the moment I left! That said, my husband and I were glad that it took our boy just a week to get adjusted and actually started to enjoy going to school (as compared to myself, who never got around to enjoying my kindergarten years! Ha!)

Stay Calm, Stay Present

While it makes sense that we should hype up the whole we-are-starting-school-next-month occasion and make it a fun fanfare, do be careful though, not to go over the top and cause anxiety in the child instead.

As adults, we have learned how to manage our feelings, especially that of nervousness and fear; not so a child who may not have left your side since birth.

Always watch for her emotional cues and take time to address them one by one. As a working mum who has an endless to-do list, I can relate all too well to the tendency of taking the child’s unreasonable meltdowns and clinginess lightly and wanting to shrug them off and quickly move on.

However, it is important that we give them the time and space to express themselves – whether positively (chatting, laughing, etc.) or negatively (crying, tantrums, refusing everything, etc.).

Help your child to understand that it is totally OK to feel how they feel at that moment; highlight the wide spectrum of emotions a person feels in different situations – it can be happy, sad, angry, excited, worried, or scared!

Some children might even revert back to their “baby ways” like demanding to drink from milk bottles when he has weaned off it for a year or two now, wetting her pants when she is fully potty-trained, or even becoming aggressive and starting hitting or biting.

All Will Be Well

It is undoubtedly frustrating for parents to be dealing with these regressive behaviours but understand that this is your child’s coping mechanism kicking in and not necessarily a “pampered, bad behaviour” she has learned somewhere. The key to help your little one to overcome this stage is by showing empathy and kindness.

Remember, going to school may be a natural, must-do process for us adults, but it is a big change for a little person. So, be present and lend her the support, love, and patience while she goes through the transition.

Here We Go

If you have a child who is ready for preschool this season, here are some tips you can take note of to make the transition an easier and more enjoyable one both for parents and child.

  • Let’s Read And Talk, Sweetheart

Reading is a great way to introduce and talk about a topic. Pick a book on the topic of the first day of school and read it out animatedly to your child. Point out the happy and sad moments for the character(s) and ask your child how she feels about the story.

Start early and read the book regularly to help reinforce the idea of going to school in your child. If she has older siblings, it helps to have them chime in and share their exciting stories from school over family mealtimes.

  • Let’s Go Shopping, Darling!

Pick a day and sit your child down to draw up a list of things she needs for school. Instead of writing the name of the items down, draw them out! This will help your child to visualise and get excited as she may not be able to read yet. And then, take her shopping! Now, instead of going to the malls and risking your child’s health, go online!

Narrow down 2 or 3 options for every category and allow your child to decide what she likes; this will give your little one a sense of control. School bag, stationery, socks and shoes, water bottle, hair accessories for girls and hair gel for boys, perhaps?

Now, a gentle reminder, before you dive into the excitement of shopping, do check with your child’s preschool what is provided and what requires the parents to purchase – raising a wise consumer starts at home, too.

  • Wind Up The Alarm Clock Now

I cannot emphasise this enough – children need sleep; lots of it! Lack of sleep will stunt a child’s growth; if your child has a habit of sleeping late, it is high time to re-tune that. Get an alarm clock with cute ringing music for her and teach her how to set it for a wake-up call.

Explain to her that in order that we may wake up early, we must sleep early, too. Start doing this a month before school begins and quietly reset her sleeping hours. You will see that your child will be more alert in her waking hours and that will help tremendously in her learning.

  • Let’s Take A Ride

Whenever your child is in the car with you, take a detour to her preschool and point it out to her chirpily, “hey look! That is our school right there!”. This is to help her get a realistic idea of what a school building is and what going to school means.

Depending on her reactions and mood, you may further add in details, such as the time she will be in school and when you will pick her, what she will be doing when she is in school with her new friends, and so on and so forth.

Keep the details simple but convey them tactfully. Use words your child can make sense of. And most importantly, ensure she understands that she is safe, and you are always right there for her.

  • Eeny Meeny Miny Moe

If choosing a life partner was a nerve-wracking experience for you, then a close second must be choosing your child’s first school! I know it was so for me! Months and months of researching, asking around, talking to parents who were going through the stage, and parents who had gone through the stage – mannn was it stressful!

I mean, of course, we want the best for our children, right? The learning environment, the programmes used, the credentials of the teachers and caregivers, the safety in and around the school – every minute detail is a determining factor; it just has to be an all-rounded school!

What if I told you that there is possibly such a place for your child to play, work, and grow in? One whose mission is to lay a strong foundation in each child a life-long love for learning?

Play. Work. Grow.

Image Credit: Peter & Jane

Peter & Jane kindergarten is a premium kindergarten providing children aged 2.5 to 6 years of age an opportunity to start right by offering quality and holistic early years education.

Always moving with the times, Peter & Jane cleverly uses a thematic trilingual programme designed in-house to cater to the changing needs of children and help them prepare for success in formal schooling. By striking a good balance between play and academic excellence, it is their dedication to work hard to inculcate the love of learning in every child; allowing a wider perspective on children’s education.

At Peter & Jane, children are encouraged to explore their talents and potentials while learning to respect one another. This gives them the opportunity to learn to make responsible decisions while nurturing independence and confidence from a very young age – important life skills that will see them far!

Education is not just about cramming as many books as possible in a span of time. Children must realise the joy of learning and Peter & Jane is able to provide such customised programmes in a safe and creative space.

Educating The Heart, Educators For Life

Image Credit: Peter & Jane

Founded in 1982, Peter & Jane remains at the forefront of educational excellence after 38 years – inspiring generations of progressive leaders and building a loving society up till today.

Image Credit: Peter & Jane

Peter & Jane kindergarten’s 2021 intake is now open! Schedule an appointment today to talk to its dedicated staff team to find out how you can help your child develop wholesomely and give her a competitive edge in these modern times. To find out more, log on to Peter & Jane website for a look-see!

And the best part is trial classes are also available here. So, contact us to book your trial classes TODAY!

No doubt, choosing a preschool takes careful research; all the more parents should take time to understand what is in store for your child and make an informed, wise decision. Raising tomorrow’s leaders definitely starts today!